The Forgotten Easter Egg

“Hurry up, Peter!” called Mrs. Cottontail. “You are going to be late delivering all of your Easter eggs.”

“Yes Mom,” said Peter. “I know. I’m coming.”

“Well, what’s taking you so long?” asked Mrs. Cottontail. “Usually you are up and out of here long before now.”

“I don’t know what my problem is,” said Peter. “These eggs seem to be awfully heavy this year.”

“I don’t think that they are any heavier,” said Mrs. Cottontail, picking one up. “I think there are just too many children now.”

“Yes,” said Peter. “That is probably what the problem is. Maybe I’m just getting too old for this job.”

“Oh come on now Peter,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “You are only as old as you feel.”

“That’s true,” said Peter. “Well, today I must be pretty old.”

“You know,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “I think that you may have to hire yourself a helper.”

“I’ve given that a lot of thought,” said Peter. “However, I just don’t think that it would be the same. What would the children think?”

“I suppose you may be right,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “Well, you should at least let someone take care of your office work for you.”

“That wouldn’t be a bad idea,” said Peter. “However, I just wouldn’t have the time to train anyone.”

“Well, why don’t you let me take care of that for you?” asked Mrs. Cottontail. “I have the perfect person in mind for this job.”

“You do!” exclaimed Peter.

“Yes, I do,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “Now, you’d better get to work, Peter.”

Peter left with his arms full of chocolate Easter bunnies.

“Now, to get to work on organizing Peter’s office,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “Peter will be so thrilled to know that his office has been left in good hands.”

Mrs. Cottontail was hard at work, organizing Peter’s papers, answering the telephone and typing some letters on Peter’s computer. Just as she was putting the last of Peter’s files into the filing cabinet, Mrs. Cottontail noticed a big chocolate bunny sitting on the floor, behind the filing cabinet.

“Oh my!” exclaimed Mrs. Cottontail. “Peter has forgotten one of his eggs! Now, what am I going to do?”

Mrs. Cottontail saw a card on the outside of the egg. The egg was supposed to have been delivered to a little girl, Cathy. She is the little girl who is quite sick.

“Somehow, I’ve got to get this egg to Cathy,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “Peter just isn’t going to have time to deliver this one.”

Mrs. Cottontail grabbed her coat and left for Cathy’s house. She returned home immediately afterwards. Shortly, Peter came home.

“Wow!” he exclaimed when he saw how neat and tidy his office was.

“Mom, who did you hire to do all this?” asked Peter. “This doesn’t even look like the same office.”

“First of all,” said Mrs. Cottontail. “Did you know that you forgot to take Cathy’s Easter egg to her.”

“Oh no!” exclaimed Peter. “I purposely set that egg out so that I wouldn’t forget it! Oh, poor Cathy. She is going to be so disappointed!”

“Well actually, Cathy got her Easter egg, and it was even on time, too,” said Mrs. Cottontail.

“What!” exclaimed Peter.

“Yes, your new secretary delivered it for you,” said Mrs. Cottontail.

“Well, this new secretary deserves a raise,” said Peter. “When do I get to meet her?” “You are looking right at her,” said Mrs. Cottontail.

“You!” exclaimed Peter. “Now, that is perfect. Oh Mom, thank you so much!”

“Does this mean that I get a raise,” said Mrs. Cottontail.

“Yes,” said Peter. “It sure does!”

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