Thunder and Lightning

“No,” said Thunder. “By the way, my name is Thunder. What’s your name?”

“Thunder,” said Lightning. “How odd! My name is Lightning.”

“Boy,” laughed Thunder. “Mr. and Mrs. Williams sure picked out an original name for you.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Williams didn’t pick my name out,” Lightning said. “Lightning has been my name since I was born. I was born in a storm and ever since, I have been afraid of them.”

“Well, don’t that beat all,” said Thunder. “I was born in a storm too and ever since then, I don’t like storms.”

“You don’t like storms,” Lightning said. “Or, are you afraid of them?”

“Me, afraid!” Thunder laughed. “Yeah, right!”

“Why don’t you just admit it?” Lightning asked.

Thunder put his head down close to Lightning’s face and whispered in her ear.

“If you tell a single soul,” said Thunder. “Then, I won’t be your friend.”

“I won’t tell anyone,” said Lightning. “Remember, I’m afraid of storms, too.”

“Well,” said Thunder. “I am afraid of storms. What can we do about our little problem?”

“Well,” thought Lightning. “I’m always outside during a storm, all by myself. I don’t like being alone.”

“Yeah,” said Thunder. “Either do I. It’s so scary when there’s a storm.”

The sky turned black and a big streak of lightning lighted the sky. A huge boom of thunder roared.

Thunder shuddered and Lightning let out a long shrieking meow.

“I’ve got a good idea,” said Lightning. “Why don’t we keep each other company.”

“That is the best idea that I’ve ever heard,” said Thunder, happily.

Thunder went into his doghouse and moved over. Lightning laid down beside him.

“You know,” said Thunder. “I never had much respect for cats up until now. You’re not a bad cat at all.”

“Well,” said Lightning. “For a dog, you’re not so bad yourself.”

From that day on, Thunder and Lightning spent every storm curled up together. They found that by being together they weren’t so afraid of storms, anymore.

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