Fawn’s Mask

Once upon a time, there lived two cows on a farm in Mountain Grove, Ontario. Their names were Fawn and Spot. Fawn was a tan coloured cow and Spot was a black and white coloured cow.

“Fawn!” Spot yelled. “What are you doing with that foolish mask on your face? You look ridiculous!”

“How did you know it was me?” asked Fawn.

“It’s not hard to tell,” laughed Spot. “Your face may be covered up, but the rest of your body isn’t.”

 “Oh,” said Fawn. “I forgot about the rest of me.”

  “What are you doing anyway?” asked Spot.

  “I’m going trick-or-treating,” said Fawn.

   “Oh no!” cried Spot. “Fawn, you can’t go trick-or-treating!”

 “And why not!” cried Fawn.

 “Because, in case you have forgotten, you are a cow,” said Spot. “Cows do not go trick-or-treating.”

 “Well, this cow is going trick-or-treating,” said Fawn. “Are you going to come with me?”

  “Oh no!” cried Spot. “Why do you always get these weird ideas? I’m not going with you!”

   “What if I get thrown in jail?” asked Fawn angrily. “Who is going to bail me out? Some friend you are!”

  “Oh all right,” said Spot. “I’ll go with you, but I’m not wearing a mask.”

 “It’s alright,” laughed Fawn. “You won’t have to. You’re already wearing your Halloween costume.”

  “Fawn!” exclaimed Spot angrily.

 Halloween night finally rolled around. Fawn was very anxious to go trick-or-treating, but Spot wasn’t. However, she knew that she had to go with Fawn because someone had to keep him out of trouble.

  “Hey Spot!” exclaimed Fawn, holding up his full bag. “This is so much fun! Look at all the candy that I’ve got.”

 Poor Spot didn’t care how much candy Fawn had. She was miserable. She was cold and she was tired.

 “Let’s go home now,” said Spot. “You’ve got enough candy. I’m tired.”

  “Look,” said Fawn. “Why don’t you go on home? I’ll be alright. I won’t be too much longer.”

Reluctantly, Spot went home all by herself.

 “What trouble could Fawn get into anyway?” Spot reassured herself.

 It felt so nice to lie down in her nice warm stall. Soon, Spot was fast asleep.

Spot awoke sometime during the night. She could see lights flashing outside. She got up and looked out the window.

  “I knew I shouldn’t have left him alone,” said Spot when she saw Fawn being escorted out of a police cruiser.

   “Okay there boy,” Mr. Hansen, Fawn and Spot’s owner, said to Fawn as he led him into the barn. “In you go.”

  “Fawn,” said Spot. “What happened?”

  “Well,” said Fawn. “After you left me, I knocked over someone’s jack-o-lantern and I banged into someone’s porch railing. It went flying.”

  “Fawn,” said Spot. “Where’s all your candy?”

   “I got so hungry in the police car,” said Fawn. “I ate it.”

   “You are going to be sick tomorrow,” said Spot.

  Fawn was very sick the next day. He stayed in his stall the whole day. At dinner time, Mr. Hansen came to see Fawn.

“Okay Fawn,” said Mr. Hansen. “I know you aren’t feeling well, but that porch railing has to be mended and I’m not doing it.”

With his head hung low, Fawn walked into town. He mended the railing as best as he could. After that, Fawn went back to the barn and slept.

“Spot,” said Fawn once he had awaken. “I’ll never go trick-or-treating again, unless, of course, you come with me and you stay with me!”

 “Fawn,” said Spot. “I am going to have to go everywhere that you go from now on. I can’t leave you alone for two seconds without you getting into some kind of trouble.”

 “You are a real friend,” said Fawn.

 “Well,” said Spot. “Friends are supposed to be there to help each other out when they are needed.”

  “Yes,” thought Fawn for a moment. “You are right. Goodnight Spot.”

  “Goodnight Fawn,” said Spot.


Moral of this Story:

  • Friends help each other through thick or thin.
  • Example: Fawn went trick-or-treating. Spot knew she would have to go with him to keep him out of trouble. She left early to go home and Fawn was escorted home in a police cruiser.

Further Reading

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