A Fun Wintery Day

Peppermint, a member of the Winter Jelly family, went outside. It was a cold winter day but he didn’t care. He wanted to go sliding down the hill.

“I sure wish my sister, Citrus and my brother, Spearmint wanted to come sliding,” said Peppermint. “It isn’t any fun going sliding alone. Maybe I will wait for them so we can all go together.”

Peppermint knew that Citrus and Spearmint had chores to do before they could come out to play. He already had his chores done so he waited patiently.

“Oh hello Citrus,” said Peppermint, when he saw his sister walking toward him. “Come sit with me. I want to go sliding but I don’t want to go alone. I want to go with you and Spearmint.”

“That is very kind of you,” said Citrus.

Peppermint and Citrus waited for Spearmint so they could all go sliding together. Soon, Spearmint had finished his chores.

“Come sit with us,” said Peppermint, seeing Spearmint walk toward them. “We want to go sliding.”

“We were waiting for you so we could all go sliding together,” said Citrus.

“That was very kind of you,” said Spearmint. “Let’s all go sliding!”

The three Winter Jellies held hands as they slid down the hill on their bottoms. They had so much fun together and were glad Peppermint waited for them.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always nice to wait for your siblings so you can do things together.
  • Example: Peppermint waited for his sister, Citrus and brother, Spearmint to finish their chores before he went sliding down the hill so they could go together.

Further Reading

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