Freezing Cold Sprinkles

“I am supposed to go see Chelsea today,” said Sprinkles. “But it is such a cold day.”

“Maybe you should just stay home today,” said Mother. “It is the coldest day of winter here in Brandon, Manitoba.”

“But it is Chelsea’s birthday,” said Sprinkles. “She is counting on me. I am her best friend.”

“Oh,” said Mother. “Chelsea can’t have a birthday without your sprinkles for her cake?”

“Do you blame her?” asked Sprinkles, laughing.

“Not at all,” said Mother, running her hand through Sprinkles’ hair.

Sprinkles is very unique. She has candy sprinkles for hair. They are the best tasting ones too. She never runs out of them because as soon as she takes some, more grow right back in.

Mother drove Sprinkles to Chelsea’s house. Even though the heat was on in the car, Sprinkles’ sprinkles were frozen solid.

“Oh dear,” said Sprinkles, entering Chelsea’s home. “My sprinkles are frozen solid.”

“Oh goodie!” exclaimed Chelsea. “I love frozen sprinkles.”

“I am so relieved,” said Sprinkles. “I don’t want to ruin your birthday!”

“You could never do that,” said Chelsea.

“Awe,” said Sprinkles, letting Chelsea take some sprinkles from her hair. “Thank you and happy birthday!”


Moral of this Story:

  • Things usually always work out in the end.
  • Example: Sprinkles thought she was going to ruin Chelsea’s birthday party because the sprinkles on her head were frozen solid.

Further Reading

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