Time Zone’s and Christmas

“Hey Fawn,” said Ricky Hansen on the phone on Christmas morning. “How are you?”

“I’m fine,” said Fawn, a little sadly.

“Sure you are,” remarked Ricky, knowing the sound of Fawn’s voice very well. “So it is Christmas. Why are you sad?”

“Well,” said Fawn. “I’m really happy it is Christmas and all but I still have to wait a few more hours until I can open my gifts. There is this great big gift under the tree for me and it is driving me crazy. I want to open it up and find out what it is.”

“How come you have to wait?” asked Ricky. “I’ve already opened up my gifts.”

“You did!” exclaimed Fawn. “How come you got to open up yours already?”

“Well here in Ontario it is 9:00 am already,” said Ricky.

“It is only 6:00 am here in BC,” said Fawn.

“Oh yeah,” said Ricky, realizing too late that he shouldn’t have said anything to Fawn about being able to open up his gifts so early.

“Ricky,” said Fawn. “You are so lucky.”

“Why is Ricky lucky?” asked Mr. Hansen, who had just woken up.

“Because he got to open up his gifts already,” said Fawn. “It is already 9:00 am in Ontario.”

“Oh the time zone thing,” said Mr. Hansen. “Poor Fawn.”

“What about poor Fawn?” asked Mrs. Hansen, coming into the kitchen, to see what was going on.

“Well Ricky is on the phone,” said Mr. Hansen. “And apparently he was telling Fawn that he got to open his gift already.”

“Oh boy,” said Mrs. Hansen. “The time zone thing.”

“Well,” said Mr. Hansen, once he and Mrs. Hansen had been able to talk to Ricky. “Why don’t we let Fawn open his present. He’s been itching all week to open it and after all, it is Christmas morning.”

“Okay,” said Mrs. Hansen. “Let’s let him open it up. Besides, I’m dying to see his face when he opens it. He’s going to be so thrilled.”

“I know,” said Mr. Hansen.

Just then the phone rang again. This time it was Jayden Hansen in Ontario.

“Jayden,” said Fawn, answering the phone. “Merry Christmas but can we call you back in about ten minutes? I’m just about to open my gift and I can’t wait another minute.”

“Is it THE GIFT?” asked Jayden.

“Yes,” said Fawn.

“Okay,” said Jayden. “Call me right back though okay?”

“Okay,” said Fawn. “I promise.”

Fawn opened up his gift just as fast as he could. He was so shocked to see a brand new laptop. Tears flowed from his eyes.

“I can’t believe it,” cried Fawn. “I’ve wanted one so badly.”

“We know,” said Mrs. Hansen, giving Fawn a tissue to wipe the tears from his eyes.

“And it was definitely worth getting it for you,” said Mr. Hansen, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. “Just knowing that you appreciate it so much.”

“Yes,” said Mrs. Hansen, giving her husband a tissue and taking one for herself. “Definitely.”

A few minutes later, the phone rang.

“Oh no,” cried Fawn, getting up to answer the phone. “I bet it is Jayden. I almost forgot to call her back.”

“Almost,” laughed Mr. Hansen.

“Okay,” said Fawn. “I did forget, but don’t ever tell her.”

“We won’t,” said Mrs. Hansen.

“Jayden!” Fawn cried into the receiver. “Guess what I got for Christmas? I got a laptop.”

“Cool,” said Jayden. “We all know you wanted one so badly.”

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