Billy Troll’s Best Birthday Bash Ever

“Dianne, what are you doing today?” asked Billy, over the telephone.

“Oh Billy, I’m going to be so busy today,” said Dianne. “I have a million things to do.”

“Can you come over just for a minute?” asked Billy. “I have a new song that I want you to hear.”

“It will have to wait,” said Dianne. “I’m really busy today.”

“Just one minute,” said Billy.

“Billy, I’m really sorry,” said Dianne. “I am busy!”

“But Dianne,” pleaded Billy.

“Look Billy,” said Dianne. “I have to go. Someone is at the door.”

“Oh, alright,” said Billy, reluctantly. “I’ll let you go.”

“Dianne sure doesn’t sound like herself today,” said Billy to himself. “It’s not like her to miss out on a new song. She even forgot that it’s my birthday today. Maybe she is sick? I think I should go over and make sure she is okay.”

Billy went next door and knocked on Dianne’s door.

“Billy!” exclaimed Dianne, louder than usual. “Hello.”

“Are you feeling okay?” Billy asked. “You just didn’t sound like yourself on the telephone.”

“I’m just fine,” said Dianne. “Come on in, Billy.”

“S U R P R I S E!” exclaimed a whole group of Billy’s friends as he and Dianne walked through the door.

“Oh, so this is why you couldn’t come over and listen to my new song,” said Billy. “You were too busy planning a surprise for me!”

“Happy Birthday, Billy,” said Dianne, kissing him on the cheek.

“Thanks Dianne,” said Billy, honestly meaning it. “No-one has ever gone to the trouble of planning a surprise party for me, ever. This is wonderful!”

“You think this is something,” said Dianne, under her breath. “You just wait Billy Troll. You just wait!”

“What did you just say?” Billy asked.

“Oh nothing,” said Dianne. “Here, why don’t you open up your gift?”

“You didn’t have to buy me anything,” said Billy.

“I wanted to,” said Dianne. “Besides, I couldn’t resist this gift. It had your name written all over it.”

Billy opened up the huge gift.

“Dianne!” exclaimed Billy, proudly holding his gift up in the air so that everyone could see it. “This is the most beautiful guitar that I have ever seen.”

The guitar had Billy’s name painted in fancy lettering across the front.

“Look, it does have my name written across it,” said Billy. “This is perfect.”

Billy sat down on a nearby stool and plucked at a couple of strings.

“Listen to this sound,” he said. “This is perfect.”

“Now, why don’t you play me that new song of yours?” asked Dianne.

Billy played his new song for Dianne and just as he was singing the last verse, a limousine pulled up into the driveway.

“Come on Billy,” said Dianne, taking him by the hand.

Billy set his guitar down and started walking with Dianne.

“You’d better not leave that here,” said Dianne. “Bring it with us!”

Billy picked up the guitar and followed Dianne to the limo.

“To our first destination,” Dianne told the limousine driver.

The first destination was one of Billy’s favourite restaurants. There, they ate a big steak dinner, complete with all the trimmings, including a nice heaping piece of cake and ice-cream. After their dinner, Dianne took Billy back to the limo.

“Now to our second destination,” Dianne told the limo driver.

The second destination was a western clothing shop. Dianne helped Billy pick out a new outfit and insisted that he wear it out of the store.

“Now to our last destination,” Dianne said to the limo driver, smiling.

“What are we doing now?” asked Billy, intrigued.

“You can just sit tight and find out,” said Dianne.

The limo pulled up to the entrance of the stadium.

“You don’t have tickets to see the Neil Troll concert, do you?” asked Billy. “I have tried for several weeks to get my hands on a pair.”

“You’ll see,” said Dianne, smiling.

A guard at the gate let the limousine pull right up into the stadium.

“What is going on Dianne?” asked Billy.

Before Dianne could say anymore, Billy was whisked away by a stage-hand, new guitar and all.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” exclaimed Neil Troll, over the microphone. “This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Everyone join me in wishing my favourite new country singer Happy Birthday!”

Neil Troll, Dianne and the crowd roared Happy Birthday to Billy as loud as they could.

“I don’t know what to say,” said Billy, after the singing was over.

“Don’t say anything man,” said Neil Troll. “Just grab that new guitar and let’s hear that new song of yours.”

After the concert was over, Neil invited Billy and Dianne back to his hotel suite.

“This is the best birthday I have ever had,” said Billy, to Dianne. “Thank you! Imagine me getting to play with my all time favourite country star. This is just incredible.”

“Hey man,” said Neil Troll, holding his hand out to Billy. “It is such an honour for me to be able to play with my favourite country singer! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”

“You know Dianne,” said Billy, in the limousine on the way home. “I’ll never forget this day for as long as I live.”

“I’m sure you won’t,” said Dianne. “Happy Birthday, Billy.”

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