A Sickly New Year

Dollie the Doctor showed up at the New Years Building. She looked tired and ragged. She had been working at the clinic she owns, day and night for weeks.

“Are you okay?” asked Hop Out. “You look worn out.”

“I am on the verge of getting a cold,” said Dollie the Doctor. “I sure am going to enjoy my time here at the New Years Building. I haven’t had any time off in years. Running that clinic has been taking up all my time.”

“If you want to hop out of 2019,” said Hop Out. “You are going to have to realize that you need to take care of yourself first. If you get sick, how are you going to run your clinic?”

“You know,” said Hop In. “Why don’t you hire someone, even part-time, to help you at the clinic. That way, you can hop in to 2020 and have more time for yourself.”

“You know,” said Dollie the Doctor, thinking about what Hop In just said to her. “I think hiring someone full-time is a wonderful idea. That way I can get away more and relax.”

“I think you are ready to hop out of 2019,” said Hop Out. “You do realize that you need time for yourself.”

“I think you are ready to hop in to 2020,” said Hop In. “By hiring someone part-time, you are going to free up some time for yourself.”

“Yes,” agreed Dollie the Doctor. “Being a doctor, I should know that one’s health is very important.”

“Happy New Year,” said Hop Out and Hop In.

“Happy New Year,” said Dollie the Doctor.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is important to always take care of your health.
  • Example: Dollie the Doctor was tired and looked ragged because she had been working at her clinic days and nights for a few weeks.

Further Reading

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