Apartment 15 – A Colourful Christmas

Lost Christmas Tree still had to find out which apartment in the Christmas Building that he was supposed to spend Christmas at. He was on the second floor and he saw the door for Apartment 15. He knocked on the door.

Lost Christmas Tree was mesmerized by all the bright colours in Apartment 15 when a very colourful young man answered the door.

“Hi!” exclaimed Lost Christmas Tree. “My name is  Lost Christmas Tree. Are you expecting a delivery for a Christmas tree?”

“No,” said the young man. “My name is Colour Kid. I already have my Christmas tree.”

Colour Kid moved out of the way so Lost Christmas Tree could see his Christmas tree.

“What a beautiful Christmas tree!” exclaimed Lost Christmas Tree.

Colour Kid’s Christmas tree had every colour of the rainbow on it. It had bright gold tinsel glittering from the yellow, red, blue and green lights flashing behind it. There were tons of hand-crafted ornaments in every colour imaginable.

“Thank you,” said Colour Kid.

Colour Kid reached over to his tree and picked off one of the ornaments. He placed it on Lost Christmas Tree.

“It is beautiful!” cried Lost Christmas Tree. “Thank you very much!”

“I made it myself,” said Colour Kid.

“Well then I will cherish it forever,” said Lost Christmas Tree.

“Merry Christmas!” said Lost Christmas Tree.

“Merry Christmas to you too,” said Colour Kid.

Lost Christmas Tree waved to Colour Kid as he walked down the hallway in search of the apartment he was supposed to spend Christmas at.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is good to be surrounded by colour.
  • Example: Lost Christmas Tree was mesmerized by the colour in Colour Kid’s apartment.

Further Reading

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