Grampy’s Little Green Car is Heart-Broken

“It is almost Valentine’s Day,” said Grampy to himself looking at the calendar that he had on the wall in his garage. “What will I do this Valentine’s Day?”

Grampy had several things that he could do. He could visit with his friends or he could play his guitar or he could even go for a drive in his little green car.

“Oh I really hope he chooses to go for a drive,” said Grampy’s Little Green Car. “I would love to go for a drive on Valentine’s Day. I haven’t been out of the garage in a few months now. This winter has been a long, cold one.”

As much as Grampy’s Little Green Car wanted to go for a drive, he knew the decision was up to Grampy. He knew Grampy loved visiting his friends and he knew Grampy also loved playing his guitar. Maybe Grampy would want to do that instead.

“Okay,” said Grampy, on the phone that night. “I will be there on Valentine’s Day.”

“Oh no!” exclaimed Grampy’s Little Green Car sadly. “Grampy must be talking to his friends. He must be going to visit them on Valentine’s Day.”

Grampy’s Little Green Car was heart-broken. He wanted so badly to go for a drive on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day morning came and Grampy’s Little Green Car sat in the garage. He was so lonely and so sad.

“Well,” said Grampy, coming into the garage and taking the keys off the hook. “It is Valentine’s Day and I think it is a beautiful day to go for a drive.”

Grampy’s Little Green Car perked right up. He was so happy. Grampy did want to go for a drive with him on Valentine’s Day. Grampy’s Little Green Car loved Grampy so much.

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