Let’s Play Ball

“Hey Billy,” said Mick Troll. “How is the song writing going for the Troll Town Summer Rock Blast?”

“It is going good,” said Billy. “Why are you here?”

“Just wanted to take a break, said Mick. “It is such a nice summer day outside. Very hot.”

“Would you like a glass of lemonade?” asked Billy.

“That would be great,” said Mick.

Billy got up and went into the kitchen. Mick saw a notebook sitting beside Billy’s guitar.

“Let’s play ball,” Mick read to himself.

Mick took his camera out of his pocket and took pictures of the lyrics.

“Let’s play ball on this hot summer day,” sang Mick in his head. “Get the bats and lets go play. Let’s play ball and not strike out. Let’s play ball, we all will shout.”

Billy returned with the lemonade and Mick put his camera back in his pocket.

“We only have a week to get some new songs written for the rock blast,” said Billy.

“That is right,” said Mick. “I am pretty much finished.”

“Me too,” said Billy. “Remember that it all has to be original and new material.”

“Of course,” said Mick.

Mick drank his lemonade quickly and left.

The day of the Troll Town Summer Rock Blast came. Billy was all prepared for it. He had written five new songs just for this event.

“Good luck today,” said Dianne, Billy’s wife. “You are up last today.”

“Thanks,” said Billy, giving Dianne a kiss.

At the Rock Blast grounds, Billy worked on some last minute changes to his songs.

“Nice work,” said Mick, stopping by Billy’s trailer.

“Thank you,” said Billy.

“Are they the songs you are going to sing today?” asked Mick.

“Yes,” said Billy.

“Oh,” said Mick. “What about your ‘Let’s Play Ball’ song?”

“‘Let’s Play Ball’,” said Billy. “How did you know about that song?”

“I saw it in your notebook the other day,” said Mick. “The day I came to your place and we had some lemonade.”

“I see,” said Billy. “You aren’t planning on using it as one of your songs today. Are you?”

Mick didn’t answer. He walked away.

“You are up next,” said Dianne to Billy, a few minutes later.

“I thought I was up last,” said Billy. “What about Mick and the Jagged Trolls?”

“He dropped out,” said Dianne.

“That is probably the most honest thing Mick has ever done,” said Billy. “Since he almost stole one of my songs.”

“He did!” exclaimed Dianne.

“Yes,” said Billy. “He was at the house the other day and found the lyrics to my song ‘Let’s Play Ball’.”

“Good thing he did the gracious thing and dropped out,” said Dianne.

Billy got up on stage and he rocked the entire crowd with his five new and original songs. The crowd loved him so much that they wanted him to do another. He sang his “Let’s Play Ball” song and the crowd jumped to their feet and roared. They absolutely loved it.

“I am so proud of you,” said Dianne, giving Billy a big hug after the concert. “You not only did you perform five new and original songs but you added in a sixth. That was awesome!”

“Thank you,” said Billy. “I am glad the songs were a hit.”

“They were more than a hit,” said Dianne. “You are the winner of the Troll Town Summer Rock Blast.”

“Sweet!” exclaimed Billy, hugging Dianne.

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