Angry Cat Hides a Leprechaun

“Angry Cat,” said Harriet, Angry Cat’s sister. “It is St. Patrick’s Day today.”

“What is the big deal about St. Patrick’s Day?” asked Angry Cat, angrily.

“Well,” said Harriet. “We like leprechauns and we do like gold.”

“I suppose you are right about us liking leprechauns,” said Angry Cat. “And, yes, we certainly do like gold.”

“Leprechauns usually show up on St. Patrick’s Day,” said Harriet. “They usually also have pots of gold with them.”

“I see,” said Angry Cat. “Maybe St. Patrick’s Day isn’t so bad after all.”

“Just remember,” said Harriet. “If you see a leprechaun, you must tell me.”

“Maybe,” said Angry Cat.

About an hour later, Angry Cat was having a nap on the kitchen floor. He felt something walking across his nose. He angrily reached up with his right front paw and swatted at whatever it was.

“Ha ha!” Angry Cat heard a voice yell. “You missed me.”

Slowly, Angry Cat opened one eye and then the other.

“A leprechaun!” exclaimed Angry Cat to himself as he brought his left paw up and laid it on top of the leprechaun.

Angry Cat saw his sister, Harriet, walking into the kitchen. He moved his right paw and placed it on top of the leprechaun to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere.

“Angry Cat,” said Harriet. “Any sign of a leprechaun yet?”

“No,” lied Angry Cat.

“Don’t forget to tell me if you see one ,” said Harriet.

Once Harriet was gone, Angry Cat slowly lifted his one paw up.

“Thank you,” said the leprechaun. “I was having a hard time breathing.”

“Sorry,” said Angry Cat. “I just didn’t want to share you with my sister.”

“I see,” said the leprechaun. “So, you wanted the pot of gold all to yourself.”

“Yes,” said Angry Cat. “I do want a pot of gold. I want to do something nice for my sister. I want to buy her a necklace that she has been looking at in the catalogue.”

The leprechaun handed Angry Cat a pot of gold.

“That is very nice of you to do something nice for your sister,” said the leprechaun.

“Thank you,” said Angry Cat.

“So you did find a leprechaun,” Angry Cat heard Harriet say as she came back into the kitchen, and seeing Angry Cat with a pot of gold in front of him.

“Yes,” said Angry Cat. “I did.”

“Well,” said Harriet. “That just isn’t fair. I wanted to buy that necklace I was looking at.”

“I am going to buy the necklace for you,” said Angry Cat.

“You are,” said Harriet. “That is so nice of you. I really love you.”

“I love you too,” said Angry Cat. “Happy St. Patrick’s Day.”


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always nice to do good deeds.
  • Example: Angry Cat lied about seeing a leprechaun because he wanted to buy his sister a necklace she had been looking at.

Further Reading

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