Mrs. Robin – Character Insight

In the lovely land of Canada, when the snow melts and flowers start to bloom, we know spring is here because we see a special bird – Mrs. Robin! She’s not just any bird; she’s a sign that warmer days are coming, and everyone, especially the little ones, love to see her.

Mrs. Robin has a cozy nest made of grass and squishy mud, way up high in a big tree called a balsam poplar. This tree is in a park near a place called Calgary, and it’s where Mrs. Robin keeps her little family safe and sound.

Every spring, Mrs. Robin has three little baby robins to take care of. She’s the best mommy, always making sure her babies are happy and healthy, even before she thinks about herself. She loves her babies more than anything in the world!

Mrs. Robin is super busy finding yummy worms for her hungry babies. They always seem to want more! She’s also their protector, keeping them safe from any danger, like sneaky predators or a big fall from their nest. She worries a lot, but that’s because she cares so much.

Mrs. Robin teaches her babies to be kind and respectful, not just to her but to each other and all the animals they meet. She works hard to raise them right, and she hopes they’ll always remember to be nice to everyone.

In Mrs. Robin’s world, everything is just perfect for her little ones. She doesn’t let them see anything scary because she wants them to have the happiest life, without any fear. She’s made a little paradise for them, right there in their treetop home.


Fact Card for Mrs. Robin:

  • Date Created: April 24, 2017
  • City of Residence: Calgary, Alberta
  • Type of Character: Bird
  • Marital Status: n/a
  • Character Traits: Devoted and Caring
  • Favourite Quote: “I will protect my babies, no matter what!”

Further Reading

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