Travelin’ Rick Goes to the Mall

Hi everyone. I sure hope you have been enjoying your summer vacation. I know that I have, although it seems to be just flying by. Already it seems to be the time to think about getting the kids ready to go back to school.

I am going with a friend, Melanie, to the mall. Melanie has a little boy, Jeffrey, that is going to be starting his first year of school in September. We are going to buy Jeffrey some clothes for back to school.

“Now Jeffrey,” said Melanie to her son when they got into my car. ”This is very nice of Travelin’ Rick to offer to take us to the mall. You be a good boy.”

”Okay Mommy,” said Jeffrey. ”I will.”

”Jeffrey seems like a great kid,” said Travelin’ Rick to Melanie.

”He is,” said Melanie. ”Until he goes to the mall.”

”I see,” said Travelin’ Rick, not sure if he believed what he just heard. Jeffrey seemed to be very well behaved.

”Now Jeffrey,” said Melanie, once they were at the mall. ”I think we will try to get you some shoes first.”

The mall was packed full of people trying to get clothes for their kids. It was a bit hectic going from store to store. There were so many stores to choose from.

”Shoes,” said Travelin’ Rick to himself. “This should be easy enough.”

Jeffrey, Melanie and Travelin’ Rick found a shoe store fairly quickly.

Melanie sat Jeffrey down and started to measure his feet. Jeffrey broke out into a fit of laughter because his foot tickled each time Melanie touched it.

”Well it looks like you are a size 8,” said Melanie, finally, after Jeffrey settled down enough so she could get a proper measurement.

”That was the easy thing,” said Melanie. “Now we have to find him a pair of shoes.”

”I don’t like those ones,” Jeffrey would say to each pair of shoes Melanie brought him. ”They are too girlie like.”

”Jeffrey!” exclaimed Melanie. ” They are boys shoes.”

”Well, they look like girl shoes to me,” said Jeffrey. ”I don’t like them.”

”How about these shoes?” asked Travelin’ Rick, holding up a pair of black and white sneakers and blue and white sneakers.

“I like them very much,” said Jeffrey. “I like the blue ones the best.”

Melanie tried the shoes on Jeffrey and they fit perfectly.

”Great,” said Melanie. ”That’s his shoes out of the way. Now for his pants and tops.”

”Mommy,” said Jeffrey, trying on the tenth top. “I don’t like this top.”

”Why not?” asked Melanie. ”What is wrong with it?”

”It looks like a girlie top,” said Jeffrey.

”How about this top?” asked Travelin’ Rick, holding up a beautiful cotton sweatshirt.

”Yes,” said Jeffrey. ”I like it!”

“You know Travelin’ Rick,” said Melanie. ”I should let you pick out Jeffrey’s clothes. He seems to like everything that you pick out for him.”

Travelin’ Rick did finish picking out the rest of Jeffrey’s clothes. Jeffrey liked everything that Travelin’ Rick picked out for him.

”That was much better,” said Melanie to Jeffrey. ”Now you have all your school clothes and you were very well-behaved, too.”

”I even like all my school clothes too,” said Jeffrey, smiling at Travelin’ Rick.

“Thank you very much, Travelin’ Rick,” said Melanie. “You were a big help. I’m going to cook you supper tonight.”

”Great,” said Travelin’ Rick.

”Maybe we’d better go out for supper,” laughed Jeffrey. ”You might not like what Mom cooks!”

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