What Clouds Are Made Of?

”Look up at the sky,” said Fawn to Spot. “Look at those huge fluffy clouds!”

”Those clouds sure are huge and fluffy,” said Spot.

“What are clouds made of?” asked Fawn.

“Silver and gold,” said Spot.

”Really,” said Fawn.

”Yes,” said Spot.

Fawn saw Ricky and Jayden Hansen standing outside. He went over to see them.

“Hi Fawn,” said Jayden.

”Hi Jayden,” said Fawn. ”I’ve got a question for you. What are clouds made of?”

”Clouds are made of sugar and spice,” said Jayden.

”No, they aren’t,” said Ricky. ”Clouds are made of angels.”

Fawn walked away, shaking his head. He was getting very confused. He stood outside of the barn door.

“What are you doing out here all by yourself?” Mr. Hanson asked Fawn.

”Mr. Hansen,” said Fawn. “What are clouds made of?”

“Clouds are made of dreams and hopes and aspirations,” said Mr. Hansen.

“Okay,” said Fawn. ”That’s it! I give up!”

”What are you talking about?” asked Mr. Hansen.

“All I asked was a simple question and I got a different answer from everyone,” said Fawn.

”What was the question?” asked Mrs. Hansen, coming up from behind the barn.

“What are clouds made of?” asked Fawn.

“Pure white silk,” said Mrs. Hansen.

”See,” said Fawn. ”Everyone gave me a complete different answer. Spot said clouds are made of silver and gold. Jayden said that clouds are made of sugar and spice, Ricky said they are made of angels, Mr. Hansen said they are made of dreams and hopes and aspirations and you said they are made of pure white silk.”

”Wow,” said Mr. Hanson.

”Those are very vivid descriptions,” said Mrs. Hansen. ”Fawn, clouds can mean different things to different people. Now, let me ask you the same question. What are clouds made of?”

”Well you are all wrong,” said Fawn. “I know what clouds are made of. They are made of strawberry jelly cubes, marshmallows, vanilla ice cream and whipped cream topped with a cherry.”

“That sounds like a delicious dessert,” said Mr. Hansen.

”It is!” said Fawn. “Just look here.”

Fawn showed Mr. and Mrs. Hansen an advertisement that a local ice cream parlour had put in the newspaper.

“What are clouds made of?” read Mr. Hansen. “Try our new dessert called Clouds, made with strawberry jelly cubes, marshmallows, vanilla ice cream and whipped cream topped with a cherry.”

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