
Mommy Warbles was sitting on the veranda enjoying the warm sunshine. A little bluebird came and sat on the railing beside her.

“Hello Mr. Bluebird,” said Mommy Warbles. “What can I do for you today?”

“My children are so hungry,” said Mr. Bluebird. “They need something to eat. Do you have a few ounces of bird seed to spare?”

“You know where Mr. Warbles keeps it,” said Mrs. Warbles. “Go help yourself to a few ounces.”

“Thank you,” said Mr. Bluebird going over to the little shed behind the apartment building where Mr. Warbles kept his bird seed.

Each morning Mr. Bluebird came around the veranda and asked Mrs. Warbles if he could have some bird seed for his family. Each morning Mrs. Warbles told him to help himself.

Mr. and Mrs. Warbles loved feeding the bluebirds because the bluebirds were such beautiful little birds. They both wished they lived outside of the city more because they both would love to see more bluebirds. Mrs. Warbles always wanted to see a nest of baby bluebirds and often times said so to Mr. Warbles.

“I would love to see baby bluebirds,” said Mrs. Warbles. “They would be absolutely adorable.”

“Yes,” said Mr. Warbles. “I would love to see them too.”

Mr. Bluebird was sitting on the veranda of the Warbles’ house and he just happened to overhear the conversation. Mr. and Mrs. Warbles had been so kind to him and his family that he decided he would show them something special. He caught their attention by flapping his wings rapidly in front of their window.

“Looks like he is trying to get our attention,” said Mrs. Warbles.

“Yes,” said Mr. Warbles. “I think he is.”

Mr. and Mrs. Warbles followed Mr. Bluebird to a little tree at the back of the apartment complex. Within seconds, four little baby bluebirds poked their little heads out of the nest and chirped rapidly, waiting for their dinner.

“Oh my!” cried Mrs. Warbles. “They are just as beautiful as I imagined they would be.”

“Actually even more,” said Mr. Warbles.

Mr. and Mrs. Warbles were invited often to see the nest full of baby bluebirds. They were very proud to be able to witness Mother Nature at her very best.

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