Sparky’s Visit to the Veterinarian

“Gee,” said Mommy, one night while watching television with Sparky sitting on her lap. “Sparky sure doesn’t seem to be herself lately.”

“What do you mean?” asked Daddy.

“She seems to be sluggish,” said Mommy. “I hope she is not getting sick again.”

A few months ago, Mommy and Daddy bought Sparky from a pet store and shortly after they brought her home, Sparky got really sick. She was breathing very poorly, making wheezing sounds. She wasn’t eating properly and she seemed rather warm. Mommy and Daddy were quite concerned for her. They were going to take her to the veterinarian the next day, but somehow she snapped out of it and she seemed fine.

“I guess we should call the veterinarian this time,” said Daddy.

“Yes,” said Mommy.

Daddy picked up the phone and called the veterinarian.

“Sparky has an appointment tomorrow night, right after work,” said Daddy, once he was off the phone.

“Good,” said Mommy.

The next night, Daddy picked Mommy up from the train station, after work. Sparky was sitting in her kennel in the back seat of the car, meowing.

“It’s okay Sparky,” said Mommy. “We are going to take you to the veterinarian so you can get better.”

“Meow!” complained Sparky.

Soon, Sparky was at the veterinarians office. Sparky didn’t like it there because she was scared. There were monstrous sized dogs in the waiting room along with a few cats. Sparky was not impressed, especially when she had to have her temperature taken. Mommy wasn’t very impressed either, especially when Sparky bit her finger.

“Did she hurt you?” asked Daddy.

“No,” said Mommy. “It didn’t hurt and besides, Sparky is just scared. She never meant to bite me.”

“Yes,” said Daddy. “That is true.”

“Well,” said the veterinarian, after examining Sparky. “It looks like Sparky has an infection. I’ll put her on some antibiotics.”

Sparky was glad to get back home and, although she didn’t like to take her pill, she was feeling much better in a matter of days.

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