Spot’s Doll

“I think that I will go outside and play this morning,” said Fawn to himself, while Spot was still sleeping.

“Hi Fawn!” said Ricky Hansen, who was standing by the main gate with a bale of hay on his shoulder. “You’re up early this morning.”

“Today is Spot’s birthday,” said Fawn. “I wanted Spot to sleep in this morning. I have to find something to give Spot for her birthday. What do girls like?”

“Well,” said Ricky. “I know that Jayden likes dolls.”

“Dolls,” said Fawn. “That’s a great idea! There is just one problem, though.”

“What’s that?” asked Ricky.

“I don’t have any money,” said Fawn.

“You know,” said Ricky. “My Mom makes cloth dolls. I bet if you asked her real nice, she would probably make one for you.”

“You think so,” said Fawn. “That would be great!”

“Go ask,” said Ricky.

“Mrs. Hansen, I was wondering if you could make a doll for me?” Fawn asked, when he saw Mrs. Hansen outside, weeding her garden.

“Well Fawn,” said Mrs. Hansen. “I didn’t think you liked dolls.”

“I don’t like dolls one bit,” said Fawn. “I would like to give it to Spot for her birthday.”

“That’s nice,” said Mrs. Hansen. “I have one that I just finished that would be perfect for Spot!”

Mrs. Hansen went inside the house and came back out a few minutes later.

“That doll is perfect,” said Fawn, when Mrs. Hansen showed him the doll she brought out.

The doll was a cow, dressed in a soft blue cotton dress, with a matching bonnet.

“It looks kinda like Spot,” said Fawn.

“It is Spot,” said Mrs. Hansen. “I’m going to make a Fawn doll, too.”

“I bet he’ll be the handsomest doll, ever,” laughed Mr. Hansen, coming out of the barn.

Fawn took the Spot doll up to the barn. He wrapped it up in some old gift wrap that he found in Spot’s stall.

Later that day, Jayden came up to the barn.

“We are going to have a birthday party for Spot this afternoon,” whispered Jayden to Fawn, so that Spot couldn’t hear her. “Don’t give her the doll until then!”

“How did you know about the doll?” asked Fawn.

“Mom told us,” said Jayden.

Later that afternoon, Jayden, Ricky and Mr. and Mrs. Hansen came down to the barn, carrying presents and birthday treats.

“Happy Birthday!” the Hansen family said together. “Happy Birthday, Spot.”

“This is such a surprise,” cried Spot.

“Here Spot,” said Fawn, excitedly, handing Spot her gift. “Open mine first! You will love it!”

Spot very carefully unwrapped her gift.

“It’s a doll!” Spot exclaimed. “She’s beautiful!”

“Look Spot,” said Fawn. “She looks just like you.”

“Thank you,” said Spot. “I really like her.”

“Spot,” said Mrs. Hansen. “I would like you to open this gift next.”

Spot opened the gift that Mrs. Hansen gave her.

”This one looks like Fawn,” said Spot, surprised to see an almost identical doll. “The only difference is that this doll has a plaid shirt and denim overalls.”

“Let me see myself,” said Fawn.

Spot handed Fawn the doll that looked like him.

“It’s cute like me,” said Fawn. “But I’m not fat like this guy is.”

“Wait until after the party,” Mr. Hansen, laughed. “After all the cake and ice-cream that you will eat, you will look just like the Fawn doll.”


Moral of this Story:

  • It is nice to get something homemade.
  • Example: Mrs. Hansen made Fawn and Spot each a handmade doll.
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