Calm Before the Storm

“Oh my!” exclaimed Snow Fairy, looking out her kitchen window. “It is such a beautiful looking day outside. The sun is shining bright and the sky is the clearest blue colour. If it wasn’t for the snow, one wouldn’t even know it is winter.”

Snow Fairy decided she would visit her friend, Rambler Rabbit. Because of the extreme cold temperatures, Snow Fairy hadn’t seen her friend in a few days.

“It is nice to see you,” said Rambler Rabbit, when he opened his door and saw Snow Fairy. “I was just on my way to see you.”

“It looked so nice outside,” said Snow Fairy. “I wanted to get out and enjoy the weather.”

“It is a beautiful day,” said Rambler Rabbit. “However, you probably should have stayed home.”

“Why?” asked Snow Fairy, with a confused look on her face.

“This is what they call the calm before the storm,” explained Rambler Rabbit. “We are in for a big snowstorm this afternoon.”

“Oh dear!” cried Snow Fairy. “I’d better get home. I don’t have the fire stoked or anything.”

“I will walk you home,” said Rambler Rabbit. “That way, I know you are home safe.”

“That would be wonderful,” said Snow Fairy.

Rambler Rabbit took Snow Fairy home and it was a good thing he did because halfway home, the snowstorm started.

“I am freezing,” said Snow Fairy, once they had reached her home. “That storm came up pretty quick.”

“Yes,” said Rambler Rabbit, shovelling the same away from Snow Fairy’s front door. “Get inside. I will be there in a minute.”

Snow Fairy went inside. Rambler Rabbit came inside once he was finished shoveling the snow.

“You are shivering,” said Rambler Rabbit, seeing Snow Fairy sitting in her chair, shivering.

Rambler Rabbit got Snow Fairy a blanket and wrapped it around her. He then started a fire in her fireplace for her.

“Thank you,” said Snow Fairy. “You are such a good friend to me.”

“You are welcome,” said Rambler Rabbit.

Before going home, Rambler Rabbit made sure Snow Fairy was nice and warm and had everything she needed.

“You are the best,” said Snow Fairy.

“Stay warm and stay safe,” said Rambler Rabbit, waving goodbye to Snow Fairy.


Moral of this Story:

  • Always help out a friend.
  • Example: Rambler Rabbit made sure Snow Fairy was home safe and sound during a big snowstorm.

Further Reading

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