Creepy Creature – Character Insight

Welcome to the Creepy Creature – Character Insight page. Creepy Creature is an annoying little pest and he is creepy looking. Creepy Creature stands about three feet tall. His skin is a bright green colour and it is the texture of aluminum foil.

Being annoying isn’t his only faults. Creepy Creature screams all the time and he also likes to wrap himself around peoples legs. He won’t let go until he gets his way.

Creepy Creature lives in Banff, Alberta, deep in a cave in a forested mountain. He likes to come out of his cave and walk into Banff on a full moon.

What we know about Creepy Creature so far:

  • Created October 13, 2018
  • Lives in Banff, Alberta
  • Stands about three feet tall.
  • Has bright green skin with the texture of aluminum foil.
  • Creepy looking.
  • Screams all the time.
  • Always looking for ways to cause trouble and annoy people.
  • Wraps himself around people’s legs and won’t let go until he gets his way.
  • Resides deep in a cave in a forested mountain.
  • Comes out of his cave and walks into Banff on a full moon.
  • Can blend into his surroundings, making it hard for people to spot him.
  • Despite his small size, he has the strength to hold onto people’s legs tightly.
  • Likes to be by himself most of the time.


  • Creepy Creature loves annoying people.
  • He loves candy.
  • He likes to come out of his cave and walk into Banff on a full moon.


  • Creepy Creature dislikes being ignored or not getting the attention he thinks he should get.

Further Reading

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