Calvin Carrot and Mashed Carrots

“We have a lot of practicing to do today,” said Christopher Corn. “If we get it done early enough, then we can enjoy the rest of this warm summer day.”

“Good idea,” said Mrs. Tomato. “I, for one, don’t want to work all day long.”

“Okay,” said Christopher. “Let’s get started.”

Olive and Mrs. Tomato took their places on stage. Cameron Cauliflower started dancing as he made his way to the stage. Oliver Onion sat and watched, taking notes when he came up with some new material for new songs.

“Looks to me like everyone is here except for Calvin,” said Christopher. “Does anyone know where he is?”

“No,” said Olive. “I haven’t seen him.”

“I did see the carrot truck pull into the driveway about ten minutes ago,” said Cameron. “Wait, you don’t think he got mixed up with the other carrots, do you?”

“Oh dear,” said Christopher, jumping down off the stage. “If he did, he is going to be mashed carrots. We have to find him.”

Christopher and the rest of the Fresh Veggie family ran out of the barn toward the carrot path. They got there just as the truck pulled away.

“Christopher,” cried Mrs. Tomato.” What are we going to do? Poor Calvin!”

“I will find Farmer Fred,” said Christopher. “Maybe he can call the truck driver and stop him before he dumps out his load.”

“Good idea,” said Cameron.

Christopher found Farmer Fred up by the barn. To his surprise, Calvin was there as well.

“We thought you were going to be mashed carrots,” said Christopher, hugging Calvin.

“You can ‘t get rid of me that easily,” said Calvin.

“Good,” said Christopher. “Now, let me get the others so we can start practicing.”

The rest of the Fresh Veggie family were so happy to see Calvin.

“We are so glad that you are not going to be mashed carrots,” laughed Oliver.

“Oh me too,” said Calvin. “Besides, I would much rather be frozen.”

“Frozen, mashed,” sang Christopher. “Just as long as you don’t end up a cake, a carrot cake in the oven to bake.”

The Fresh Veggie family were laughing so hard at Christopher’s new song lyrics.

“Great song,” laughed Calvin, taking his place at the drums.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is a good idea to not end up as mashed carrots.
  • Example: Christopher Corn felt better after talking to Farmer Fred.

Further Reading

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