Arrow and Cutie’s Snow Day

“Arrow,” said Cutie to her brother while she looked out the window. “It is snowing outside.”

Arrow jumped up onto the window ledge and sat beside his sister. The two cats watched as the snow came down in buckets.

“It would be nice to go outside and play in the snow,” said Cutie.

“Snow is cold and wet,” said Arrow. “You really wouldn’t like it.”

“I love getting my paws wet when I stick them in the water dish,” said Cutie.

“Being outside in the snow is not the same,” said Arrow. “It is good that we are indoor cats. I remember one time I went outside in the winter and it was so cold. It wasn’t long before I wanted back inside where it is nice and warm.”

“Look,” said Cutie, pointing to some people having fun outside in the snow. “They look like they are having so much fun. I want to go outside.”

“I don’t think they are having fun anymore,” said Arrow, watching the people slipping and sliding on the ice. They are going to hurt themselves.”

“You know,” said Cutie. “I think I am glad we are indoor cats. It does look dangerous out there.”


Moral of this Story:

  • Winter isn’t always fun.
  • Example: Arrow showed Cutie that winter wasn’t always fun and that it can be very dangerous.

Further Reading

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