Master Hurtful Words – Stupid

“Let’s go to the library,” said Master Hurtful Words. “It is a rainy summer day and there is nothing better to do.”

“That is a stupid idea,” said his friend, Jillian.

“Saying that someone’s idea is stupid,” said Master Hurtful Words. “That is very hurtful.”

“But it is a stupid idea,” said Jillian.

“Again,” said Master Hurtful Words. “That is not a nice thing to say. You have hurt my feelings by saying that. I am allowed to have an idea.”

Jillian thought about what she said to Master Hurtful Words and she realized that she shouldn’t have said that his idea was stupid.

“I am sorry,” said Jillian, apologizing. “I shouldn’t have said your idea was stupid.”

“Do you have a better idea of what we can do today?” asked Master Hurtful Words.

“No,” said Jillian. “Not really.”

“Okay,” said Master Hurtful Words. “Let’s go to the library.”

Master Hurtful Words and Jillian went to the library. Because it was a rainy day, the library decided they would hold a draw for a free book.

“The winner of the free book is Jillian,” announced the librarian.

“So now, do you still think my idea of wanting to go to the library today is stupid,” said Master Hurtful Words.

“No,” said Jillian. “Not at all.”

Jillian and Master Hurtful Words were walking home from the library. They saw two young children walking toward them.

“I don’t want to go home yet,” said the little boy.

“Mommy wants us home because she doesn’t want us to get wet from the rain,” explained the little girl.

“Well that is stupid,” said the little boy. “It is fun to get wet.”

“You know,” said Jillian to the little boy. “It is not nice to call something stupid.”

“But it is stupid,” said the little boy. “I like getting wet from the rain.”

“You might love getting wet,” said Jillian. “But what if you ended up getting so wet that you become sick. Is that fair to your Mother.”

“I guess not,” said the little boy thinking about what Jillian had said. “I guess that playing in the rain isn’t a great idea after all.”

The little boy walked home with his sister.

“I am proud of you,” said Master Hurtful Words. “You understand that stupid is a hurtful word.”

“Yes,” said Jillian. “I do, thanks to you.”

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