Grampy’s Little Green Car – Character Insight

Welcome to the Grampy’s Little Green Car – Character Insight page. Growing up in my family was a lot of fun because one day, my dad brought home a 1932 Model A Ford. That car was my dad’s pet project but to us kids, it was a part of our family, much like a pet dog or cat or even a brother or sister.

Obviously, I created the character, Grampy’s Little Green Car, after my dad’s Model A Ford. That car was the icon of our family and when my dad sold it, many years later, a piece of us was sold right along with it.

So many nights and weekends were spend in the garage watching my dad work on that car. When my dad first got it, I can remember there were no back seats in it and the car was full of hay.

My dad did a lot of work on that car and it changed colour a few times. I will always remember my dad painting flames on the front fenders. That car was my dad’s pride and joy and he did spend a lot of money on it over the years.

I really miss Grampy’s Little Green Car but at least I can keep the memory of it going by writing stories about it. I consider myself lucky to have been a part of my dad’s car and I know the rest of the family feel the same way.


Fact Card for Grampy’s Little Green Car:

  • Date Created: August 29, 1994
  • City of Residence: Lindsay, Ontario
  • Type of Character: 1932 Model A Ford
  • Marital Status: n/a
  • Character Traits: Loyal and Devoted
  • Favourite Quote: “Let’s go for a drive!”

Further Reading

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