Fawn and Suzie Learn a Lesson

Fawn and Spot were racing around the barnyard one bright but cool autumn day, when they stopped suddenly to watch a car pull up into the driveway.

“Oh no!” exclaimed Fawn, seeing someone step out of the car. “It’s a kid!”

“So, what’s wrong with that?” asked Spot. “Ricky and Jayden are kids.”

“That’s true,” said Fawn. “But they’re not little kids.”

“Not anymore,” said Spot. “They are growing up now. They are teenagers now, but what is wrong with little kids?”

“They are brats,” said Fawn. “They like to yell and scream and they like to pull my tail. I don’t like little kids.”

“Fawn,” said Spot. “You are awful.”

“Hey you two,” said Jayden excitedly to Fawn and Spot. “We’d like you to meet our new neighbour.”

Fawn and Spot went over to where Jayden, Ricky and the little girl was standing.

“Fawn and Spot,” said Ricky. “Meet Suzie.”

“Nice to meet you,” said Spot to Suzie.

“You too,” said Suzie.

“Fawn, aren’t you going to say hello to Suzie?” Jayden asked.

“No,” said Fawn.

“You’ll have to excuse Fawn,” said Spot to Suzie. “He thinks all kids are brats.”

“Well, I think he is a brat too,” said Suzie.

“I am not a brat!” exclaimed Fawn.

“Well, either am I,” said Suzie.

“Stop it,” said Ricky. “Stop arguing.”

“Who’s arguing?” asked Fawn.

“Yeah,” said Suzie. “I’m not.”

“You two make a good pair,” said Jayden laughing.

“Supper is ready,” Mrs. Hansen called from the house.

Ricky and Jayden started to walk toward the house thinking Suzie was right behind them.

“Where’s Suzie?” asked Mrs. Hansen when they reached the porch.

“She was right behind us,” said Jayden.

Everyone turned around and looked toward the field just in time to see Fawn and Suzie sticking out their tongues to one another.

“I see Suzie and Fawn have met each other,” said Mr. Hansen, just coming into the house from the garage.

“Want to play with me?” Suzie asked Jayden after supper.

“I have to feed Fawn and Spot first,” said Jayden.

“Can I help?” asked Suzie.

“Sure you can,” said Jayden, surprised at Suzie’s offer. “But I got the impression you didn’t like them.”

“Oh, I like Spot,” said Suzie.

“But not Fawn?” asked Ricky.

“He’s mean,” said Suzie.

“He is not,” said Jayden. “By the way, you were acting the very same way that he was.”

“Now children,” said Mrs. Hansen. “No fighting.”

“We’re not fighting,” said Suzie.

Jayden and Ricky got up from the table and started their evening chores. Suzie and Mr. Hansen followed a few minutes later.

“Here,” said Mr. Hansen. “You stay here with Ricky and Jayden. “I have some work to do on the tractor.

“Okay Mr. Hansen,” said Suzie.

Jayden was throwing some hay into Spots stall. Suzie grabbed a handful and started to throw it into Fawns stall.

“No, Suzie,” said Ricky. “Fawn doesn’t eat hay!”

Suzie was going to drop the hay but then decided to give it to Fawn anyway.

“See,” yelled Fawn. “I knew that little kids were brats. I was right all along. I’m hungry. I want my french-fries and pop!”

“Cows eat hay,” said Suzie.

“Well I don’t like hay,” argued Fawn.

“Then you are crazy,” said Suzie.

“I am not!” yelled Fawn.

“Yes you are!” Suzie yelled back.

A few days went by and Suzie and Fawn had many, many arguments. If Fawn said the grass was green, Suzie would say it was yellow.

The funny thing was that Spot and Suzie got along just great but then Spot was even-tempered and had a good nature. Spot always got along with everyone.

That afternoon Ricky, Jayden, Suzie, Spot and Fawn were out in the fields playing.

“A snake!” Fawn yelled, seeing a snake right at Suzie’s feet. “Watch out!”

“There is no snake,” said Suzie, not looking around her. “You’re just trying to trick me.”

“Suzie,” said Jayden. “There is a snake right by your feet.”

“Suzie,” said Spot, calmly. “Nobody is kidding you. This is serious. There is a snake right at your feet. Look down, slowly.”

Suzie finally looked down and saw the snake at her feet. She let out an ear piercing scream. Quickly, Ricky grabbed a stick that was lying on the ground and scooped up the snake with it. He then threw it as far away as he could. Everyone heard the unmistakable rattle once the snake landed.

Suzie ran over to Fawn and threw her arms tightly around his neck.

“Oh Fawn,” said Suzie. “You and Ricky saved my life!”

From that day on, Fawn and Suzie became the best of friends. They also stopped their silly arguing with one another and then eventually with everyone else.

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