A Cold Easter

The Easter Bunny poked his head out of his den.

“Oh my!” he exclaimed, shivering. “It is very cold weather outside. I will have to put an extra layer of fur on.”

The Easter Bunny could not believe how cold it was outside. It felt like it was still the middle of winter. The Easter Bunny checked his calendar but the calendar showed him that tomorrow was indeed Easter.

“Easter is Easter,” said the Easter Bunny, gathering up all the chocolate eggs and gifts that he was to deliver to all the good little girls and boys around the world. “It doesn’t matter what the weather is. If the calendar says it is Easter, then it is my duty to deliver these gifts.

The Easter Bunny was all ready to go when he heard a knock at his door. It was Easter Bunny’s neighbour, Mrs. Squirrel.

“Oh Mrs. Squirrel,” said Easter Bunny. “Please come in and get out of that nasty cold weather.”

“Thank you,” said Mrs. Squirrel, thankful to be out of that nasty cold weather. “So, I take it that Easter is cancelled.”

“Absolutely not,” said Easter Bunny. “I could never disappoint all the good little boys and girls in the world.”

“I see,” said Mrs. Squirrel. “I just assumed that because you are still at home that you weren’t going anywhere.”

“I was just about to leave,” said Easter Bunny.

“I thought that would be the case,” said Mrs. Squirrel. “I hope you don’t mind but I asked several of the other animals if they would help you out.”

“Oh Mrs. Squirrel,” said Easter Bunny. “That was very thoughtful of you. Under normal circumstances, I would have to decline your offer. However, because of the cold weather, I am going to appreciate the help very much.”

Easter Bunny and Mrs. Squirrel went outside and Easter Bunny was shocked when he saw well over one hundred animals standing outside his den. Each animal took the gifts and were off to deliver them. Easter Bunny winked at Mrs. Squirrel as he took the rest of the gifts and delivered them.

Easter Bunny and all the other animals were back in the forest in record time. They were all very cold but they all had a warm feeling come over them because they were very happy with the fact that they had all helped out the Easter Bunny in this freezing cold weather. They all knew that the Easter Bunny would have done the job himself anyway but they were just glad that he didn’t have to stay out in that cold any longer than he had to.

All the animals went home after Easter Bunny thanked them over and over and over again. They wanted to get warmed up and they also wanted to celebrate Easter with their own families.

“Mrs. Squirrel,” said Easter Bunny before she left to go home.

“Yes,” she said.

“Thank you,” said Easter Bunny, giving her a big hug. “That was a very nice thing you did for me.”

“You are very welcome,” said Mrs. Squirrel, very happy to have helped.

“That this home with you,” said Easter Bunny, handing Mrs. Squirrel a very large package. “This is your Easter gift.”

“Oh is it the clock that I really wanted,” cried Mrs. Squirrel.

“You will find out when you get home,” said Easter Bunny, with a grin on his face from ear to ear.

Mrs. Squirrel gave Easter Bunny a big hug.

“Happy Easter,” said Mrs. Squirrel.

“Happy Easter to you and your family,” said Easter Bunny. “And enjoy your Easter gift.”

Mrs. Squirrel blushed as she left Easter Bunny’s den because she had wanted a new clock for so long and she knew that was what was in the parcel.


Moral of this Story:

  • Don’t let the cold weather stop you.
  • Example: Easter Bunny delivered Easter eggs and gifts, even in the cold weather.

Further Reading


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