November in the Prairies

Hi everyone! This is Prairie Kid. I am one of the Canadian Brothers. I live in a small prairie town in Alberta.

It is now November in the prairies and boy that wind sure can blow cold on the open prairies. You have to dress nice and warm and always be prepared for the weather here. We get mostly cold, windy days in November with temperatures ranging from around plus 5 to minus 20 degrees Celsius.

I live on a ranch and just because it is cold and windy though, work does not stop on the prairies. There is always so much to do. Firewood has to be brought in and split. Animals must be fed and watered each and every day. Machines have to be serviced before spring comes so that they are all in proper working order. The barns and storage sheds need to be cleaned out. All of this has to be done before the snow hits and believe me, on the prairies the snow will hit and it will hit hard.


Moral of this Story:

  • November in the prairies can be very cold and unpredictable.
  • Example: Prairie Kid had a lot of work to do to prepare for the coming winter.

Further Reading

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