Zippy the Shark

Zippy the Shark swam along the ocean floor one hot summer day. He had been near the surface earlier, but found it too warm there. It was nice and refreshing near the bottom.

“Shark!” Zippy heard a small group of colourful fish scream. “Hide!”

”Why do they bother?” Zippy asked himself. ”I wouldn’t eat them. They are too puny. I need a meal with substance!”

Zippy noticed a nice big fish swimming right in front of him.

”Now that’s more like it!” exclaimed Zippy, once his meal was finished.

Zippy noticed a strange object sitting on a rock ledge. He went over to investigate it.

“This thing looks like a star,” said Zippy.

“I am a star,” said the object.

Zippy looked at the object and then looked toward the top of the ocean.

”Did you fall from the sky?” asked Zippy.

”No,” said the object. ”I live right here in the water, just like you.”

”Well,” said Zippy, really confused. ”What kind of star are you?”

”I’m a starfish,” said the object.

”A starfish!” exclaimed Zippy. ”Now, that should have been easy for me to figure out! It all makes sense now!”

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