Winter Safety

I was visiting a good friend of mine recently. My friend, Fawn Hansen, is a cow that lives on a ranch in British Columbia, Canada. Now, Fawn likes to have a lot of fun at the ranch, especially during the winter months. However, sometimes the fun he has is not very safe and it could end up hurting him.

Take for instance the day I was visiting him. It was bitterly cold and Fawn thought that he could just run out onto an ice-covered lake and play. He wasn’t going to check the thickness of the ice because he automatically thought he would be safe. I approached Fawn just before he stepped onto the ice.

“Hi Fawn,” I said.

“Hi Safety Kid,” said Fawn, when he saw me. “It is nice to see you again. However, I’m not doing anything dangerous here.”

Fawn inched closer and closer to the edge of the lake.

“Fawn,” I said sternly. “Did you check the thickness of the ice yet?”

“Well no,” said Fawn, honestly. “I just assumed it would be okay because it is so cold out today.”

“Unfortunately,” I said to Fawn. “That is a mistake that a lot of people make. Unless you actually check the depth of the ice first, you will not find out if it is safe or not.”

Fawn quickly backed away from the edge of the lake. A gust of wind came along just then and knocked down a small branch from a tree that was hanging over the lake. The branch fell onto the ice and Fawn watched in horror as the branch cracked the ice and fell into the lake.

“Safety Kid!” cried Fawn. “That could have been me!”

“Yes,” I said. “It could have been but thankfully it wasn’t.”


Moral of this Story:

  • Always check the thickness of the ice before going on it.
  • Example: Fawn wasn’t going to check the thickness of the ice but lucky for him, Safety Kid informed him of the dangers.

Further Reading

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