
Fawn and his new friend, Misfit, were outside looking at the ice rink that Mr. Hansen had just built.

“Let’s go skating,” said Fawn.

“I can’t skate,” said Misfit.

“But everyone can skate,” said Fawn.

“Yeah,” said Misfit. “Everyone but me.”

“Okay,” said Fawn. “Let’s go into the barn and listen to some music.”

“I don’t like music,” said Misfit.

“But everyone likes music,” said Fawn.

“Yeah,” said Misfit. “Everyone but me.”

“Well,” said Fawn. “What do you want to do?”

“Nothing much,” said Misfit. “There’s really nothing that I can do. I mess up with every single thing that I do so what is the point of doing anything anymore.”

“You know,” said Fawn, after thinking for a few minutes. “I think that you put yourself down too much and you don’t give yourself a chance. I bet you can skate and I bet you would enjoy listening to music, if you gave it half a chance.”

“Are you calling me a quitter?” asked Misfit.

“No,” said Fawn. “Not really a quitter. I don’t think you have any self-confidence. I think you give up too easily.”

“You really think so,” said Misfit.

“Yes,” said Fawn. “I do. You should not give up on things so easily.”

Misfit went home that evening and thought about what Fawn said to her. Nobody has ever been honest to her about how she should be dealing with things and she really appreciated Fawn for telling her. She thought about what he said and she thought that he was right about her putting herself down and not having any self-confidence. She was determined that she was going to change her way of thinking.

“Hey Fawn,” said Misfit the next day, ice skates flung over her shoulder.

“Want to go skating?” she asked.

“You bet,” said Fawn, smiling from ear to ear. “Let’s go have some fun!”


Moral of this Story:

  • It is fun to go skating.
  • Example: Misfit had no self-confidence but he overcame that and had fun skating.
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