Little Bear and Bandit’s Christmas Fun

“Hey, Little Bear!” shouted Bandit, the orange kitten. “We have to get up! Come on, this is Saturday. We have to go wake up the kids!”

“Bandit, I don’t know why you always like to cause trouble,” said Little Bear, a white and orange kitten. “You should just let the kids sleep in!”

“That’s no fun!” exclaimed Bandit. “Besides, the kids love it when we wake them up!”

“Yes,” admitted Little Bear. “They do but Mom and Dad don’t!”

“All you have to do is to put on your cutest little face when Mom and Dad start yelling at us,” said Bandit.

“That does work,” admitted Little Bear, again. “You seem to have an answer to everything these days!”

“Come on!” exclaimed Bandit, running full-speed down the hall. “It’s morning time!”

The first room Bandit went into was Jayden’s room. Eight year old Jayden was sound asleep when Bandit pounced on her bed.

“Bandit!” exclaimed Jayden, when Bandit had waken her up by sticking his paw in her mouth. “Good morning!”

Jayden hugged her little kitten and gave him a kiss.

“Where’s your brother?” Jayden asked.

Within seconds, Little Bear pounced on Jayden’s bed, stepping on Bandit’s tail in the process.

Bandit let out a loud meow.

“Bandit and Little Bear!” shouted Mom, walking down the hall. “Don’t you two know it’s the weekend. I don’t know about you, but I need my sleep!”

“Good morning, Mom,” said Jayden, trying to hide her laugh.

“Good-morning, Jayden,” said Mom. “Try to keep your kittens quiet! We have a busy day, today and I want to get a little bit more sleep.”

“Oh yeah!” said Jayden. “We are going to get our Christmas tree, today!”

Well, as soon as Jayden’s brother heard that, he got up and went into Jayden’s bedroom.

“Are we getting our tree today?” asked Ricky.

“Yes, we are,” came a voice from the hallway.

“Oh no!” exclaimed Jayden, hiding Little Bear and Bandit under her covers. “Daddy’s up!”

There was no use in anyone trying to get some more sleep. Instead, everyone decided they would eat a quick breakfast and then they would go and get their tree.

“Oh what a beautiful tree!” exclaimed Mom, after the tree was up and decorated.

“Hey Little Bear!” exclaimed Bandit, coming out from his hiding spot, under the kitchen table. “Look, they have a tree in the house!”

“Yeah right, Bandit,” said Little Bear. “Everyone knows that trees grow outside. You don’t have trees in the house!”

“Oh yes you do,” said Bandit. “This is a real live tree!”

“Are you sure?” asked Little Bear.

“Let’s climb it and find out,” said Bandit.

Little Bear and Bandit went into the living-room and stood in front of the tree. They were both fascinated by the tinsel and the bright lights!

“What a beautiful tree!” exclaimed Little Bear.

“What are you waiting for?” asked Bandit, who by this time was already half-way
up the tree.

“Oh Bandit!” exclaimed Little Bear. “I don’t think you should be up there!”

“You are such a chicken,” said Bandit, climbing higher and higher in the tree.

“Bandit!” yelled Mom. “What in earth are you doing up there? Get out of the tree!”

Just as Bandit jumped from the tree, his foot got caught in the light wires. The tree came down with a crash. Bandit, unscathed, ran for a hiding spot. He was scared.

“I guess you won’t be doing that again,” said Mom, reaching down and picking up Bandit.

“I guess he won’t!” laughed Little Bear.

“Luckily the tree is okay,” said Daddy, picking it up and fixing the lights on it.

“You are lucky,” said Mom, scolding Bandit.

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