Free Snacks for Groundhog Day

“Come get your free snacks!” cried Peter Prairie Dog, standing atop a small mound. His fur shimmered under the early morning sun as he cheerfully announced to anyone who would listen. “It is Groundhog Day, and I have heard that Silly Groundhog is going to see his shadow.”

“I will take some free snacks,” came a voice from behind Peter.

Peter didn’t look up. He just handed over the free snacks, his gaze still scanning the horizon for more snack seekers.

“You aren’t going to say anything?” asked Silly Groundhog, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “You are just going to keep telling lies?”

Peter looked up, finally, and when he saw it was Silly Groundhog, he snatched the treats out of the groundhog’s paws.

“Silly Groundhog,” said Peter with a stern look, “don’t you know that free snacks are not for groundhogs?”

“This isn’t funny,” said Silly Groundhog, frowning.

“Did you know why groundhogs have such a bad rap?” asked Peter.

“No,” replied Silly Groundhog with a smirk. “However, I am sure that you are going to tell me.”

“Yes,” said Peter with a nod. “I sure am. Groundhogs are the worst for lying. You can never predict the weather correctly.”

“Maybe,” said Silly Groundhog, shrugging. “However, we are still the symbol behind Groundhog Day. Prairie Dogs are just jealous because they are not as famous and well-known as us.”

Peter Prairie Dog hung his head low and walked away, his tail drooping. Silly Groundhog was right, and nothing would change that fact.

As Peter trudged away, he thought about what Silly Groundhog had said. He realized that it wasn’t about who was more famous or well-known. It was about being true to oneself and finding joy in one’s own identity. Peter decided that from now on, he would celebrate Groundhog Day with pride and create his own traditions. He smiled to himself, knowing that he didn’t need to compete with groundhogs to feel special.


Moral of this Story:

  • Celebrate your own uniqueness and don’t measure your worth by comparing yourself to others.
  • Example: Peter Prairie Dog initially feels inferior to Silly Groundhog because groundhogs are more famous and well-known due to Groundhog Day.

Further Reading

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