Spring in the City

This is City Kid. I am one of the Canadian brothers. I live in Toronto, Ontario. It has been a long, cold winter and I am so looking forward to spring.

I have a little space in my backyard that I want to plant some flowers. I am looking forward to doing this. I will be able to get some fresh air as it will give me an excuse to get outside. Living in the city, especially a city like Toronto, you really do need an excuse to go outside because there are so many things that you can do indoors.

I was very pleased to receive my seed catalog in the mail one afternoon when I got home from work. The seed catalog is like a tradition for me. It is a sign that spring is just ahead. I took my catalog and even before I started cooking my dinner, I sat down and looked through it. It didn’t take me long to figure out which plants I wanted to order and right away, I placed my order. I was so excited because my order would be shipped within one week’s time.

The next few days, I worked very hard preparing a bed for my plants. I dug up a spot where I wanted my flower bed and then I set some bricks all around it as a foundation. Then I got some rich soil and fertilizer, mixed the two and spread inside my brick area. My flower garden was going to look so nice, I could hardly wait.

The night before my plants were to arrive, I went outside and made sure that everything was ready. I did notice that it was a little chilly that night but didn’t think too much more until I awoke the next morning and saw almost a foot of snow had fallen. I couldn’t believe it! Here it was, the middle of March, and it was like winter had just started.

When my shipment of plants finally came, I kept them down in the basement under a bright, warm light. It was almost a week before the snow had melted and then almost another week later before snow had disappeared. Just to be on the safe side, I waited one more week after that before I planted my flowers in my garden. I could sense that my flowers were very happy to be outside in the garden where they belonged and that they were relieved to have the warm sunshine on their tender stalks and leaves. I know that I enjoyed putting them into their new home very much and I spent hours in my garden that spring and summer, enjoying my flowers and their beauty.

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