Your Own Backyard

Environment Bug walked down the streets of Storyland on Earth Day 2020. He was concerned because nobody was outside. He knew the characters of Storyland were indoors because of the coryvirus pandemic. However, he also noticed an increase in the amount of trash and junk that characters had in their backyards.

“This has to stop,” said Environment Bug, to himself. “This has to get cleaned up. I know my own backyard is a mess, too, so I am just as guilty.”

Environment Bug went home and he cleaned up his own backyard. He put trash in garbage bags, sorted out his woodpile, cleaned his garden beds and then planted some flowers.

“Your backyard looks amazing,” said Environment Bug’s neighbour, Sammy the Snowplough Driver, from his porch. “I think I will clean mine up too.”

“Good idea,” said Environment Bug. “I just have to get rid of these garbage bags.”

“I can take them to the dump for you,” said Sammy the Snowplough Driver. “I have to take mine anyway. It isn’t like I have anything to do right now. The snowplough has been put away until next winter and I can’t do any other work because of this coryvirus lockdown.”

“True,” said Environment Bug. “However, that may change pretty quickly, once others start cleaning up their yards. They will want their trash hauled away too.”

“Very true,” said Sammy the Snowplough Driver.

Environment Bug and Sammy the Snowplough Driver took a look around their neighbourhood. Other neighbours saw what Environment Bug and Sammy the Snowplough Driver had done to their backyards and how nice they looked. Sammy the Snowplough Driver was hired by the neighbours to haul their bags of trash away.

“All this took was for you to start cleaning your backyard,” commented Sammy the Snowplough Driver.

“It is like a domino effect,” said Environment Bug. “And, it is a task that can be done safely because everyone can still practice social distancing while enjoying a bit of fresh air and sunshine.”

“Yes,” said Sammy the Snowplough Driver. “Very true.”


Moral of this Story:

  • We can still clean up our own backyards during the COVID-19 pandemic as long as we practice social distancing.
  • Example: Environment Bug showed Storyland characters what his backyard looked like all cleaned up and then others wanted to do the same thing.

Further Reading

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