Troll Family’s Valentine Surprise

“Troll Mother, Troll Mother!” yelled Troll Brother. “Come quickly. Troll Daddy is on the phone.”

Troll Mother dropped the basket of clothes that she was carrying and ran to the telephone.

“Hello Troll Daddy,” she said into the receiver.

“Hi yourself,” came the familiar voice at the other end of the telephone. “What took you so long?”

“I was doing laundry,” said Troll Mother. “How are things in the city?”

“They are okay,” said Troll Daddy.

Since the layoff at Troll Daddy’s factory in Trolltown, Troll Daddy had to go get a job in the nearby city. The city was a three-hour drive from Trolltown, so Troll Daddy had to stay in the city during the week and come home on weekends.

“I miss you and the Troll children,” said Troll Daddy.

“We miss you too,” said Troll Mother. “Troll Baby has been asking for his Daddy all week long.”

“Well, I’ve got good news,” said Troll Daddy. “The factory layoff is over. This will be my last week in the city.”

Troll Mother was so excited that she accidentally hung up the phone.

“Come on Troll children,” said Troll Mother, excitedly. “Troll Daddy is coming home for good this weekend. The layoff at the factory is over!”

“Yeah!” exclaimed Troll Brother and Troll Sister.

“Valentine’s Day is the day Troll Daddy comes home,” said Troll Mother, catching a peek at the calendar hanging on the kitchen wall. “Let’s have a Valentine’s Day surprise for Troll Daddy!”

For the rest of the week, Troll Mother cooked all of Troll Daddy’s favourite dishes, while the Troll children made red and white party hats out of construction paper.

By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, everything was ready for Troll Daddy’s surprise. Even Troll Baby was ready. He sat in his highchair with his party hat on.

“Troll Daddy surprise!” exclaimed Troll Baby excitedly.

Just then, a terrible snowstorm started.

“I’m afraid Troll Daddy isn’t going to make it home in this weather,” said Troll Mother, a few hours later.

The Troll children were disappointed and Troll Baby knew something was just not quite right.

“No Troll Daddy surprise,” said Troll Baby, sadly.

“What’s this about a Troll Daddy surprise!” said a snowy figure coming through the back door.

“No Troll Daddy!” exclaimed Troll Baby, almost crying, not recognized Troll Daddy. “No Troll Daddy surprise!”

“Troll Daddy is here now,” said Troll Mother, hugging the snow-clad figure.

“Troll Daddy surprise!” exclaimed Troll Baby happily. “Troll Daddy surprise!”


Moral of this Story:

  • It is always nice to plan a surprise.
  • Example: Troll Daddy got good news that he will no longer have to work in the city so he came home to a very nice Valentine’s Day surprise.

Further Reading

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