Silly Groundhog – Character Insight

Welcome to the Silly Groundhog – Character Insight page. Silly Groundhog is a character I created for a children’s book I wrote, “Silly Groundhog”.

Silly Groundhog lives in Ottawa, Ontario. His job is to predict that coming of spring. Silly Groundhog was almost late for Groundhog Day because other animals were taking up the other holes.

Silly Groundhog is very arrogant and he thinks he is so important. He becomes angry with the other animals even though they were in their own holes.


Fact Card for Silly Groundhog:

  • Date Created: January 9, 2019
  • City of Residence: Ottawa, Ontario
  • Type of Character: Groundhog
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Character Traits: Arrogant and thinks he is so important.
  • Favourite Quote: “Get out of my hole!”

Further Reading

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