November in the City

Hi everyone! This is City Kid. I’m one of the Canadian brothers. I live in Ontario, Canada, in the city of Toronto.

It is now November in the city. November can be a very unpredictable month for weather in Toronto and that is mostly because we are right on the shores of Lake Ontario. The temperature can fluctuate quite a bit. One day it can be warm and sunny and the next it can be snowing and cold. You never know how to dress in November so what I do is dress in layers. This way I am comfortable no matter what it is doing outside.

November can be a very lonely month. Most of the leaves have blown off the trees all around the city and it looks barren. This can cause some people to become very depressed. It is hard for some to be bright and cheery when it is dull and desolate outdoors. Also, we know the colder weather is right around the corner but we don’t want it to come.

I don’t like November very much and I don’t think too many people do. However, we must try to make the best of it. A lot of people start staying indoors come November. I prefer to get out and go for walks and enjoy the days while I can.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is good to take advantage of warm and sunny days when you live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in November.
  • Example: City Kid likes to go for walks on the warm and sunny days in Toronto in November.

Further Reading

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