Halloween Candy Fun

What was that smell?” Creepy Creature asked himself as he stepped out of his dark, mysterious cave. The sweet aroma of candy wafted through the air, making his eyes gleam with excitement.

“It must be Halloween, because I smell candy!” he exclaimed, his voice echoing off the cave walls.

Creepy Creature raced down the mountain, his long legs carrying him swiftly into the town of Banff. He was determined to get his hands on as much candy as possible. As he entered the town, he blended in seamlessly with the ghosts, goblins, and superhero costumes that filled the streets. His own costume, a unique blend of creepy and kooky, earned him admiring glances and generous handfuls of candy from the townspeople.

“My, my!” exclaimed an elderly gentleman, his eyes twinkling with delight. “I love your costume. I have never seen anything like it. Very original.” Creepy Creature smiled his sweetest smile, revealing rows of pointed teeth, and the elderly gentleman rewarded him with an extra handful of candy.

It was like that for him the whole evening. Creepy Creature walked away from most houses with the most candy, his pockets bulging with sweets. He was absolutely thrilled, his eyes shining with excitement. Several times that Halloween night, he ended up going back to his cave and emptying out his pockets of candy, only to return to the town for more.

On his very last trip back to his cave, he noticed someone following him. Creepy Creature took a detour, his long legs carrying him swiftly through the shadows. He didn’t want anyone to know where his cave was.

“Excuse me!” yelled a man, waving his arms to motion Creepy Creature to stop. “I don’t mean to scare you. I am the Mayor, and I wanted to see up close the costume everyone in town is raving about. I also wanted to give you a plaque for having the best Halloween costume this year.”

Creepy Creature took the plaque from the Mayor, his eyes gleaming with excitement. But instead of admiring it, he bit into it, his teeth sinking into the metal.

“That isn’t candy,” laughed the Mayor, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “That is for you to hang up in your house. Do you mind if I get a picture of you with your plaque?”

Before the Mayor could get his phone out of his pocket, Creepy Creature and the plaque were long gone, disappearing into the night like a Halloween spirit.

“Strange and creepy creature,” laughed the Mayor as he walked back into town, shaking his head in wonder.


Moral of this Story:

  • Creativity is often rewarded.
  • Example:Creepy Creature’s unique and creative costume earns him admiration and extra candy from the townspeople. For example, the elderly gentleman gives him two handfuls of candy and compliments his originality.

Further Reading

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