Easter Helpers
Easter Day proved to be a beautiful, sunny and warm day in Storyland. The sun was shining and the grass was green and very tall in some places.
E. Egg appeared in the middle of a field, just like he has every Easter Day. He heard voices approaching. He became nervous and he anticipated what would happen if he stayed where he was. He knew that it would be only a matter of time before there would be hordes of people ascending the field for their annual Easter egg hunt.
E. Egg looked around him. He could see taller grass at the south end of the field. He decided that was where he was going to hide. While hiding, E. Egg felt fur rubbing up against him. He turned and saw a fully clothed bunny standing
beside him. The bunny had an Easter basket with him that was filled to the brim with Easter eggs.
“You must be the Easter Bunny,” said E. Egg. “I am E. Egg. E. stands for Easter.”
“It is nice to meet you,” said Easter Bunny, holding out his paw for a handshake.
“Same,” said E. Egg, taking Easter Bunny’s outstretched hand and shaking it vigorously. “Why do you still have a full basket of Easter eggs?”
“I am in a pickle,” said Easter Bunny, sheepishly. “My alarm clock didn’t work so I am running a bit late this morning.”
“Do you need some help?” asked E. Egg, knowing full well that this could entail encounters with huge amounts of people but not caring because the thought of helping the Easter Bunny was all that mattered to him.
“I sure could,” said Easter Bunny. “You don’t happen to have a basket with you, do you?”
“I don’t,” said E. Egg, feeling his heart shatter, knowing that now he couldn’t help the Easter Bunny.
“But I do,” said a familiar voice that E. Egg recognized immediately.
“Jamie!” shouted E. Egg, elated to see his best friend and knowing that the day may not be so bad after all.
“I am so happy to see you,” said Jamie but then fully realizing who was standing next to them. “Oh my! The Easter Bunny!”
“Shhh!” whispered the Easter Bunny. “You can’t let anyone know I am here.”
“He is running late,” exclaimed E. Egg. “He needs help. He has a whole basket full of eggs still to deliver.”
“I can help too!” exclaimed Jamie.
“Perfect,” said Easter Bunny, truly grateful.
Easter Bunny loaded Jamie’s basket with half of the contents from his basket .
“We just need to spread these Easter Eggs throughout the field,” explained the Easter Bunny.
“We’d better hurry,” said Jamie. “There are already some people searching. E . Egg, you come with me. That way you don’t get hurt.”
Jamie bent down and scooped E. Egg into her basket.
“You can hand me the eggs and I will place them onto the ground,” explained Jamie.
“Great idea!” exclaimed the Easter Bunny. “Let’s do this!”
In no time at all the Easter Eggs had all been scattered throughout the field.
“The best team work ever,” shouted the Easter Bunny.
Easter Bunny took two Easter Eggs gave them to Jamie and E. Egg.
“That is for helping me, ” said the Easter Bunny hopping away. “Happy Easter!”
Moral of this Story: