An Early Easter

“Easter Lily!” cried Renee, a chickadee who is Easter Lily’s best friend and confidant. “Come quickly. I found someone who could really use your help.”

Easter Lily laid down her dusting cloth and followed Renee. Renee flew as slowly as she could, making sure Easter Lily was following her. If she got a bit too far ahead then Renee would circle back to where Easter Lily was.

“Where are we going?” asked Easter Lily, a few minutes into the walk and becoming concerned because they seemed to be going deeper into the forest.

“We are almost there,” Renee explained. “We are going to see Apple Monster. I met up with him earlier and he seems very sad. He is having issues with his apple tree.”

“Oh dear!” exclaimed Easter Lily. “I thought he had his issues sorted with his apple tree. Did he not agree to let the ants have any of the apples that had fallen to the ground? Besides, there won’t be any apples now. It is much too early. The apple trees don’t even have their leaves out yet.”

Easter Lily took a look around the forest as they trudged on. There were no buds on any of the trees she saw. The wildflowers hadn’t even attempted to show themselves yet.

“That is the issue,” said Renee. “This early Easter is messing with everyone in Storyland this year. Easter is so early and people are thinking that the trees and flowers should be blooming early too.”

“You are exactly correct,” said Easter Lily. “That is definitely the problem.”

Once Easter Lily and Renee reached Apple Monster’s apple tree, Easter Lily saw just how sad Apple Monster was and it tore at her heart. She went up to Apple Monster and while talking to him, she also took a good look at his apple tree.

“Easter is very early this year,” Easter Lily explained to Apple Monster. “Give your apple tree a few more days and it will spring to life. You will see the leaves on the apple tree first and then in a few weeks you will see the apple blossoms in full bloom.”

Apple Monster sighed a deep breath of relief.

“I was getting so worried,” said Apple Monster, now smiling.

“This early Easter is throwing everyone for a loop,” said Easter Lily.

“It sure has,” said Apple Monster laughing.

“I am glad to see you are happy,” said Easter Lily. “You know that my job is to make sure everyone in Storyland is happy before Easter.”

“I am very happy,” said Apple Monster.

“Good to hear,” said Easter Lily, signaling to Renee that their work with Apple Monster was over and that everyone in Storyland is happy.

“Happy Easter!” Easter Lily waved to Apple Monster as she followed Renee out of the forest.

“Happiest of Easter to you and Renee,” Apple Monster waved back.

Moral of this Story:

  • Just because Easter is early, it doesn’t mean that the trees and plants have bloomed yet.
  • Example: Apple Monster was upset because there were no apples on his apple tree yet.

Further Reading

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