Pancake Man at the Bakery

“What is for breakfast this morning?” asked Angry Baker, seeing Melissa, his fiancée, at the stove in the back of the bakery.

“Pancakes,” said Melissa, pouring some pancake batter into a hot frying pan.

“Oh I love pancakes,” said Angry Baker, clearing off a spot on the table and then setting it for breakfast.

“This is a good hearty breakfast for Canada Day,” said Melissa, setting a big plate of pancakes down in front of Angry Baker.

“I have the perfect ingredient for the top of these,” said Angry Baker, going to the fridge.

“Oh, maple syrup!” exclaimed Melissa, when she saw what Angry Baker pulled out of the fridge.” You can’t get much more Canadian than that!”

“Definitely not,” said Angry Baker, pouring a thick layer of maple syrup on the pancakes.

“More syrup!” Angry Baker and Melissa both heard.

“What is going on?” asked Angry Baker, angrily, as they watched the top pancake on the pile that was on his plate, stand up and start dancing.  “I would like to eat my pancakes!”

“Hi!” shouted the pancake. “I’m Pancake Man. Pour some maple syrup on me, as much as you can. I’m a true Canadian symbol and I need much more than a thimble.”

Angry Baker poured a ton of maple syrup all over Pancake Man.

“Why are you here?” laughed Melissa as she watched Pancake Man dance on top of the plate of pancakes.

“It is Canada Day,” said Pancake Man. “I must happily say. I want to find out, what Canadians are all about.”

“Well,” said Angry Baker, softening up a little to Pancake Man. “Our day normally starts off here in the kitchen but much earlier than this. We slept in this morning because it is a holiday and we aren’t open today.”

“On a normal day though, I would help Angry Baker by preparing some of the pastries, dough and mixtures he needs for the day,” explained Melissa. “Then I go to work at the National Sugar Distribution Company.”

“While Melissa is helping me with that, I spend that time cleaning and sanitizing the counters and tables,” said Angry Baker. “Then I start baking. The bakery opens at 8 am so I am working the front of the shop for the remainder of the day.”

“I certainly must say you two are true symbols of a hard-working Canadian couple,” said Pancake Man.

“Thank you,” said Angry Baker.” Sometimes we feel people do not appreciate all the hard work we do.”

“You are certainly appreciated,” said Pancake Man. “Now let’s get that maple syrup flowing and let’s get this Canada Day celebration going.”

“Good idea,” said Angry Baker, pouring more maple syrup on Pancake Man and then the rest of the pancakes on his plate. “Happy Canada Day!”

“Happy Canada Day!” shouted Melissa.


Moral of this Story:

  • There is nothing more Canadian than pancakes smothered in maple syrup.
  • Example: Angry Baker and Melissa had pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast on Canada Day. They were joined by Pancake Man.

Further Reading

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