A Day of Fishing

“Look at that fish,” said George Grizzly, watching a huge fish jump out of the water.

“He sure is huge,” said Eager Eagle, flying above the lake. “I bet I can catch that fish before you can.”

“I doubt it,” said George Grizzly.

“Okay,” said Eager Eagle. “Let’s bet.”

“I don’t see how you are going to win,” said George Grizzly. “I have lots of strength.”

“That may be true” said Eager Eagle. “But, I am fast.”

“Let’s just see who will win,” said George Grizzly.

Eager Eagle and George Grizzly waited for about ten minutes. All of a sudden, the fish jumped out of the water. George Grizzly took a swat at the fish but missed. Eager Eagle swooped above the fish and by the time he drew out his very sharp talons, the fish was back in the water.

“Looks like we both lost that bet,” said George Grizzly.

“Yes,” said Eager Eagle. “That fish beat the two of us.”

“Certainly,” said George Grizzly. “We can’t let this get out or it will ruin our reputations.”

“I won’t say anything,” said Eager Eagle.

“I won’t either,” said George Grizzly.

Eager Eagle and George Grizzly never made a bet with one another after that. They couldn’t afford to have their reputations tainted.


Moral of this Story:

  • It isn’t good to make bets.
  • Example: Eager Eagle and George Grizzly made a bet with each other that they could catch the huge fish that jumped out of the water. Neither of them won the bet.

Further Reading

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