Victoria Day BBQ

“I would like to have a BBQ this weekend,” said Queen V. 

“It is Victoria Day weekend,” said Paul, Queen V.’s husband. “It is also your birthday. So, yes, I think a BBQ is a great idea.” 

“I am so excited,” said Queen V. 

“I will get everything ready,” said Paul. “You go sit and relax.” 

Queen V. couldn’t relax. She went into the kitchen and helped Paul chop up the vegetables for a salad, while he marinated the steaks. 

“Last time we had a BBQ was last Victoria Day weekend,” said Queen V. 

“Yes,” said Paul. “I remember that. It poured rain so we went out to that new restaurant for dinner. I remember the food was terrible and that we both wished we had have just stayed home because once we got home, the rain had stopped.” 

“I remember that too,” said Queen V. 

“We never did go back to the restaurant,” said Paul. 

 “No, we didn’t,” said Queen V., looking out the kitchen window. “It doesn’t look like it is going to rain today though.” 

“That is good,” said Paul “However, it is Victoria Day weekend and we both know what happens on Victoria Day weekend.” 

“Yes,” laughed Queen V. “It always ends up raining on Victoria Day weekend.” 

“It certainly does,” said Paul. “Let’s get these steaks cooking though, while we do have the sun shining.” 

Paul put the steaks on a tray and carried them outside. Queen V. took the BBQ sauce and followed him. 

“Oh dear,” said Queen V., seeing a huge black cloud that was hiding at the back of their house. “That cloud is moving this way.” 

“I think we have time to cook the steaks but we will have to eat inside,” said Paul, assessing the situation. 

Queen V. went inside and set the table. She had it all ready for when Paul finished cooking the steaks. He had just brought the steaks inside and the rain came down in buckets. 

“I still get my BBQ,” laughed Queen V. 

“Happy birthday!” said Paul. 


Moral of this Story:

  • It always seems to rain on Victoria Day long weekends.
  • Example: Queen V. wanted a BBQ on the Victoria Day long weekend. She didn’t see the huge black cloud that as hiding behind the house until she went outside to help Paul with the BBQ.

Further Reading

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