A Happy Heart

Happy Heart and Valentine Puppy were very happy with all they accomplished in Storyland in order to prepare for Valentine’s Day. They had made sure everyone in Storyland was happy and in love.

“I am proud of what we have done,” said Happy Heart. “Now it is our turn to enjoy Valentine’s Day!”

Happy Heart went into the kitchen. She had a tray of cheese and crackers for herself and special homemade dog biscuits for Valentine Puppy.

Valentine Puppy had a special surprise for Happy Heart. He brought her a single red rose in his mouth, being careful not to cut his mouth open on the thorns.

“This is beautiful,” said Happy Heart, putting the rose in a vase. “You are so sweet and kind.”

Happy Heart gave Valentine Puppy a big hug. She loved Valentine Puppy with all her heart and soul.

There was a knock at the door. Happy Heart was surprised to see her neighbour, Mr. Adams at the door.

“Mr. Adams,” said Happy Heart. “We didn’t forget to make sure you were happy, did we?”

“No,” said Mr. Adams. “Remember we talked about how I should follow my heart.”

“Yes,” said Happy Heart. “I remember that now. What can I do for you?”

“I have decided to follow your advice and follow my heart,” said Mr. Adams.

“I am so happy to hear that,” said Happy Heart.

“You would make me very happy if you would join me for dinner tonight,” said Mr. Adams, bashfully.

Valentine Puppy went over to Mr. Adams and licked his hand.

“I take it Valentine Puppy approves,” laughed Mr. Adams. “What about you?”

“All of my Valentine’s Day work is done here in Storyland for this Valentine’s Day,” said Happy Heart. “So, yes, I accept your invitation to dinner.”

“That is wonderful,” said Mr. Adams. “I will come and get you around 7 pm.”

“Wonderful,” said Happy Heart.

Mr. Adams picked Happy Heart up at 7 pm. He took her to a quaint restaurant and they had a wonderful meal together.

“Thank you for such a wonderful dinner,” said Happy Heart. “I had a wonderful time.”

“I did too,” said Mr. Adams, giving Happy Heart a kiss on her forehead. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well,” said Happy Heart.


Moral of this Story:

  • It is nice to enjoy a dinner out.
  • Example: Happy Heart did all her work on Valentine’s Day. Her neighbour, Mr. Adams asked her out for dinner, so she accepted.

Further Reading

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