Mitchell the Miner

“I’m off to work, Dad,” said Mitchell the Miner as he grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.”

“You’d better wait right there ” said Dad, listening to the radio.

“Is it the protestors?” asked Mitchell the Miner.

“Yes,” said Dad. “Looks like they got their way this time. “There are reports the mine is shutting down for good.”

Mitchell the Miner knew this day was coming but it still stung.

“I am one of the few lucky ones,” said Mitchell the Miner. “I don’t have a mortgage to pay or kids to feed and clothe. I don’t know what these other families are going to do.”

“Times are changing,” said Dad.

“Yes,” said Mitchell the Miner. “They sure are!”

Mitchell the Miner was devoted to his work at the mine. For twenty years, he had put a lot of time in.

“It is a tragedy to imagine life without the mine,” said Mitchell the Miner. “It is the only life most of us have known.”

“What are you going to do next?” asked Dad.

“I am going into keep the mine going,” said Mitchell the Miner.

“How so?” asked Dad.

“I am going to keep it alive through writing,” said Mitchell the Miner. “I will be able to tell the tale about the work in the mines, what they are like and what the triumphs and tragedies were in the mines.”

“That certainly would be good,” said Dad.

“Miners are a dying breed but they need their stories told,” said Mitchell the Miner.

“I agree,” said Dad.


Moral of this Story:

  • Some mines in Canada are shutting down for good.
  • Example: Mitchell the Miner knew the day for mines shutting down in Canada was coming.

Further Reading

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