Rock ‘n Roll Troll

It was a hot summer night. Billy Troll was sitting under his favorite apple tree with his guitar. Billy loved to play the guitar. Dianne Troll, Billy’s neighbor, was sitting on her back porch listening to Billy.

“Hey Billy,” she yelled from across the lawn. “Why don’t you sing me a song?”

Billy strummed on his guitar and sang a verse to Dianne.

“That was excellent,” Dianne said. “You should sign up for the summer concert down at the park. I bet you would win first prize.”

“I doubt it,” said Billy. “I’ve heard that the new group, The Jagged Trolls, are a sure winner this year. There’s no way that I could compete with them.”

“Oh Billy,” said Dianne. “You’ve got to stop putting yourself down. You are good, and I just bet that you could win. I don’t like that new band, The Jagged Trolls. They are too rough and too wild. I’d much rather listen to you sing than them.”

The next day, Billy Troll went into Troll Town and signed up for an audition. Billy was very nervous as he sang his song, but once he got into it, he did great.

“You did wonderful,” said Dianne when she saw him that evening.

“How do you know?” Billy asked.

“I just happened to be at the audition today,” said Dianne.

“What did you think?” asked Billy. “Do you think I’m gonna win?”

“I think that they had better make out that prize check in your name right now. You’ve got that first prize all wrapped up.”

The day of the concert came around. Billy was standing in front of the mirror brushing his long orange hair when Dianne came in.

“Billy,” said Dianne. “Are you not ready yet? You are going to be late.”

Despite his nervousness, Billy did extremely well on stage. He didn’t win first prize, but he did win second.

“I’m very proud of you,” said Dianne after the concert. “You may not have won first prize, but you did win second. The Jagged Trolls didn’t even come close to winning. They were just terrible.”

Billy Troll continued to play the guitar and sing because of that second-place prize. He began to have more confidence in himself as time went on. In fact, he got so good that he won first prize in the following year’s contest and went on to become a famous rock and roll singer.


Moral of this Story:

  • Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • Example: Despite Billy Troll’s initial doubts about his talent, he took Dianne’s encouragement to heart and signed up for the audition.

Further Reading

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