Kitten Kid
Sitting on my front porch, on a cool autumn day, I heard a faint meow coming from behind my house. I slowly got up from the porch and tip-toed down the stairs toward the faint cry. My heart just froze as I saw the cutest little kitten sitting in the grass, looking up toward my kitchen window.
“Well, aren’t you a cute little thing,” I said softly as I went over to the kitten and picked him up.
I petted his soft little head. The little kitten purred loudly in delight.
“I bet you are hungry,” I said, taking the kitten inside the house with me.
The little kitten meowed as I set a bowl of milk on the floor for it. The kitten gulped down the bowl of milk quickly and I laughed when I saw its milk moustache. Something drew me to that little bundle of fur. For the rest of the day, I couldn’t put him down.
My husband came home from work that afternoon and I showed him the little bundle of fur.
“Now, what are we going to do with that?” he said, petting its soft little head.
“Love it,” I said.
“Well, where did he come from?” asked my husband.
I told him how I heard a faint meow and how I found him just sitting in the grass, hungry.
“I see,” said my husband.
I knew what was coming next, even though I didn’t want to hear it.
“Well, don’t you think we should try to find his owners?” my husband asked.
“I suppose so,” I said reluctantly.
The next morning I called our local newspaper and placed an ad. All day, I sat by the phone, with the kitten in my lap, but surprisingly enough, no-one called.
“I see we still have our little kitten with us,” said my husband that night after work.
“Yes,” I said. “No-one called about the ad.”
“Well,” said my husband. “I bet you are glad of that.”
“Yes,” I said, truthfully. “I am. This little guy is just like having a kid around the house.”
“Kitten Kid,” said my husband, with a smile on his face.
“That is what we will name him,” I said, smiling too.
“Meow,” said Kitten Kid.
Moral of this Story: