Franny Granny’s Christmas Tree

“I think I will go to get my Christmas tree today,” said Franny Granny to herself, as she looked out the kitchen window and saw that it was a beautiful day outside.

Franny fixed her makeup and grabbed her purse. She drove to the Christmas tree lot. It was very busy so she had to park about a block away.

Franny picked out her Christmas tree and paid the attendant for it.

“Can I get some help to carry this to my car please?” asked Franny.

The attendant ignored her and went on to help the next customer. Franny grabbed her tree and bumping into several people with it, tried to get the tree to her car.

“Watch out!” a man yelled as he had to dodge Franny and her tree.

“Sorry,” said Franny.

“Be careful,” Franny heard as she bumped into someone else.

Franny was very upset and she started to cry.

Across the street, there was a group of teenagers. They were laughing at Franny, while pointing at her.

“You guys are so mean,” said Daniel, a teen that was walking up the street. “Instead of laughing at her, you could help her.”

“Who would help her?” asked Frank, one of the teens, still laughing.

“Me,” said Daniel.

Daniel crossed the street and went over to where Franny stood. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. Daniel took the tree from her and carried it to her car for her.

“Daniel,” said Franny, wiping away her tears. “Thank you so much.”

“You are welcome Granny,” said Daniel.

You are the best grandson ever,” said Franny.

“I couldn’t stand to see you struggle with the tree,” said Daniel.

“Thank you,” said Franny, giving Daniel a kiss on his cheek and noticing the group of teens across the street. “Now, run along and go play with your friends.”

“Those bullies are not my friends,” said Daniel. “How about I come and help you decorate the tree?”

“I would love that,” said Franny, proudly.

Moral of this Story:

    • It is good to help out someone in need.
    • Example: Franny Granny’s grandson, Daniel, saw some teens making fun of Franny. He told them to stop and that they should help her instead.
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