Sunflower Suzie Loves the Field of Sunflowers

“Sunflower Suzie,” said Sunflower Suzie’s husband, George. “It looks like it is a beautiful autumn day. We should go for a walk.”

“Yes,” said Sunflower Suzie. “I would like that very much.”

Sunflower Suzie put her shoes on and George wrapped her jacket gently over her shoulders.

“You are so kind,” said Sunflower Suzie, giving George a kiss. “I may be a sunflower but I am not all that delicate.”

“You are to me,” said George. “And, I love helping you.”

“I sure do appreciate your help,” said Sunflower Suzie. “Thank you.”

A few weeks ago, Sunflower Suzie woke up and found out that somehow she had turned into a sunflower. She was afraid that George wouldn’t love her anymore but, that was the furthest from the truth. George loved her very much, maybe even a little bit more.

“You were right,” said Sunflower Suzie, on their walk. “It is a beautiful autumn day.”

“Yes,” said George. “It certainly is.”

George and Sunflower Suzie walked down their road. Something caught Sunflower Suzie’s eyes and she ran up ahead to get a closer look. When George caught up to her, he saw her standing in the middle of a field of sunflowers.

“They are so beautiful,” said Sunflower Suzie, looking up at them.

“Not as beautiful as you,” said George.

“Oh George!” blushed Sunflower Suzie.


Moral of this Story:

  • Go for walks as often as you can.
  • Example: Sunflower Suzie went for a walk with her husband, George. She found a field full of sunflowers.

Further Reading

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