Mrs. Robin and the Bumble Bee

It was a rather cool spring morning. Mrs. Robin was gathering worms for her three hungry babies. A bumble bee was flying around.

“Good morning Mrs. Robin,” said the bumble bee.

“Oh my!” exclaimed Mrs. Robin. “You frightened me.”

“I am sorry,” said the bumble bee. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

Mrs. Robin immediately went into protective mode. She was extremely worried about her babies. She looked up at her nest, which was very high up in a tall balsam poplar tree.

“Do you have babies up in that nest?” asked the bumble bee.

“Yes,” said Mrs. Robin. “I do and I need to make sure they are safe.”

“I do understand that,” said the bumble bee. “I have babies too and I worry about them all the time. I hope you don’t think I would hurt your babies.”

“I did at first,” said Mrs. Robin. “But now that I know you have babies to protect too, it has put my mind at ease.”

“Good to hear,” said the bumble bee. “Us mothers have to stick together.”

“Yes,” said Mrs. Robin. “We do. We must always protect our loved ones.”

“Agreed,” said the bumble bee.


Moral of this Story:

  • Always make sure our loved ones are taken care of.
  • Example: Mrs. Robin is frightened about the bumble bee.

Further Reading

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